2 Libros encontrados

Given, Florence

For too long we have internalised the belief that our bodies are things to be looked at - instead of lived in.That it's embarrassing to fully express ourselves.That we cannot trust our desire.This book unpacks the many barriers women face when trying to access joy so that they can discover the delicious life that's theirs for the taking.International-bestselling author Florence Given wants to restore your lust for life and your sense of agency, giving you the courage and permission to inch closer to the wildly expansive life that you FULLY deserve - not in the future, not when you're perfect, not when you're prettier - but right now!
25,75€ 24,46€
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Given, Florence

«De adolescente me enseñaron a contar calorías y a saber decir no a la comida antes de que aprendiese a decir no a otras personas.» Así empieza este manifiesto feminista para las nuevas generaciones que rompe con los estereotipos limitantes y las creencias tóxicas del patriarcado para quélas chicas jóvenes potencien su autoestima y se hagan dueñas de su vida.«Este es el libro con el que desearía haberme dado de golpes en la cabeza antes de quéla toxicidad del mundo impregnase mi vida.»
17,95€ 17,05€
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