3 Llibres trobats
Taylor, Sean
Potser soc petit, per. no soc un quisso babau. Vull ser un gos normal, AUTÈNTIC, dels que juguen als bassals i cacen bastons. I, sobretot, NO VULL que em diguin CUTXI-CUTXI!
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Taylor, Sean
Puede que este perro sea pequeño, pero no es uno de esos chuchos bobos que se ven por ahí. Quiere ser un perro auténtico, de los que se rebozan en los charcos y cazan palos. Y, sobre todo, ¡no quiere que lo llamen Chuchi Puchi! Un divertidísimo álbum sobre la identidad (y la cursilería).
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Taylor, Sean
Set back in the days WHEN DINOSAURS WALKED THE EARTH, this is a hilarious picture-book about Smallasaurus, who enjoys a plant-based diet, and Badasaurus who likes to eat small dinosaurs who enjoy a plant-based diet. It all begins when Smallasaurus has to think. And thinking can be a problem when you only have a brain the size of a walnut. Luckily, Badasaurus only has a brain the size of a peanut . . . and so begins a hilarious game of 'cat and mouse'. It’s not long before their chasing here, there and everywhere attracts the attention of an absolutely enormous and rather hungry meat-eating dinosaur called Worseasaurus . A choice of two dinosaurs is just what Worseasaurus loves for breakfast.Will she eat the small dinosaur, with a plant-based diet? Or will she eat the great big dinosaur, with a small-dinosaur-based diet? It doesn’t take long for her to choose. And it doesn’t take long for Badasaurus to find out. And that’s how it sometimes was back in the days . . . WHEN DINOSAURS WALKED THE EARTH.
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