When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth

Taylor, Sean

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Set back in the days WHEN DINOSAURS WALKED THE EARTH, this is a hilarious picture-book about Smallasaurus, who enjoys a plant-based diet, and Badasaurus who likes to eat small dinosaurs who enjoy a plant-based diet. It all begins when Smallasaurus has to think. And thinking can be a problem when you only have a brain the size of a walnut. Luckily, Badasaurus only has a brain the size of a peanut . . . and so begins a hilarious game of 'cat and mouse'. It’s not long before their chasing here, there and everywhere attracts the attention of an absolutely enormous and rather hungry meat-eating dinosaur called Worseasaurus . A choice of two dinosaurs is just what Worseasaurus loves for breakfast.

Will she eat the small dinosaur, with a plant-based diet? Or will she eat the great big dinosaur, with a small-dinosaur-based diet? It doesn’t take long for her to choose. And it doesn’t take long for Badasaurus to find out. And that’s how it sometimes was back in the days . . . WHEN DINOSAURS WALKED THE EARTH.

Fitxa tècnica - When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth

Tipus de producte: Llibre
Any d'edició: 2023
Idioma: Anglès
Tipus de tapa: Tova
EAN: 9780711277212
Referència Abacus: 1512792.08
Editorial: Frances Lincoln
When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth

When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth

Taylor, Sean

9,99€ 9,49€
5% descompte
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