Upside down

Steel, Danielle

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Oscar-winning actress Ardith Law is a Hollywood icon. Radiant at sixty-two, she is the epitome of glamour and a highly respected artist. But her success has come at a she has a strained relationship with her daughter, Morgan, who at thirty-eight still blames Ardith for putting her career before being a mother. Morgan is a successful plastic surgeon in New York City—and the distance from Ardith’s Bel Air mansion is not lost on either of them.

Ardith became a single mother when Morgan was seven, after her unfaithful husband died in a helicopter accident. In recent years, she has found amiable companionship with fellow actor Bill West. But Ardith’s comfortable world is turned upside down when she hires a temporary personal assistant, Josh Gray, while Bill is away filming in London. Josh’s rough-around-the-edges persona is the opposite of what Ardith is used to, but an unexpected tragedy brings them closer, stirring up conflicting feelings in her for this younger man.

In New York, Morgan is swept off her feet by world-renowned TV anchorman Ben Ryan. Though more than two decades her senior, Ben is handsome, charismatic, and just as smitten as Morgan. But when a blackmail scheme puts his career—and their relationship—on the line, Morgan doesn’t know where to turn. Perhaps . . . to her mother? As each woman navigates an unconventional romance, they cautiously approach each other on new terms and attempt to put aside their past for a new future.

In Upside Down, Danielle Steel tells an unforgettable story of bold choices, second chances, and the hope of reconciliation.

Biografia de Danielle Steel

Danielle Steel (Nueva York, EUA, 1947) és, sens dubte, una de les novel·listes més populars de tot el món, coneguda sobretot per les seves novel·les romàntiques. Algunes de les seves obres més conegudes són Zoya, Una perfecta desconocida, No hay un amor más grande i Álbum de familia. Els seus llibres s'han publicat a seixanta-nou països, amb vendes que superen els nou-cents milions d'exemplars. Cadascun dels seus llançaments ha encapçalat les llistes de best-sellers de The New York Times, i molts s'han mantingut en aquesta posició durant mesos.

Fitxa tècnica - Upside down

Tipus de producte: Llibre
Pàgines/Fulls: 256
Any d'edició: 2024
Idioma: Anglès
Tipus de tapa: Dura
EAN: 9780593498378
Referència Abacus: 1506691.13
Editorial: Random House USA

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Upside down

Upside down

Steel, Danielle

19,75€ 18,76€
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