Throne of Glass

Maas, Sarah J.

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Enter the realm. Unleash the darkness. Live the legend.

In a land without magic, an assassin is summoned to the castle. Celaena Sardothien has no love for the vicious king who rules from his throne of glass, but she has not come to kill him. She has come to win her freedom. If she defeats twenty-three murderers, thieves, and warriors in a deadly competition, she will be released from prison to serve as the King's Champion.

But something rotten dwells in the castle – and it's there to kill. When her competitors start dying mysteriously, one by one, Celaena's fight for freedom becomes a fight for survival – and a desperate quest to root out the evil before it destroys her world, and the people she has come to love.

Thrilling and fierce, Throne of Glass is the first book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series that has captivated readers worldwide.

Biografia de Sarah J. Maas

Sarah J. Maas va néixer el 5 de març de 1986 a Nova York. Va créixer a l'Upper West Side de Manhattan. De petita, li agradava crear històries basades en contes populars o mites. També de jove li agradava escriure fanfiction de Sailor Moon. El 2008, Maas es va graduar magna cum laude al Hamilton College de Clinton, al comtat d'Oneida, Nova York, on es va graduar en escriptura creativa i es va llicenciar en estudis religiosos.

És l'autora de les sèries bestseller de The New York Trono de Cristal (Throne of Glass), Una Corte de Rosas y Espinas (A Court of Thorns and Roses), i Ciudad Medialuna (Crescent City). També ha publicat Catwoman: Soulstealer. Els seus llibres han venut milions de còpies i publicat en trenta-vuit idiomes.

Fitxa tècnica - Throne of Glass

Tipus de producte: Llibre
Idioma: Anglès
EAN: 9781526635297
Referència Abacus: 1436250.08
Editorial: Bloomsbury

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Throne of Glass

Throne of Glass

Maas, Sarah J.

14,95€ 14,20€
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