The Map of Good Memories
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Winner of the 2017 New York City Big Book Award. Some say that we always return to the places where we embraced life, where we were happy. Zoe, a girl who must flee her city with her family because of the war, remembers them before she leaves.
Zoe had lived in the city since she was born. She knew every building, every park, every corner of the city. But the war broke out and she, like many others, had to say goodbye to her home and leave without knowing when she might return. Zoe has so many good memories of her city…, Her grandparents' house, a shelter full of dreams and games, her old school, where she met her friends and loved learning new things. Not to mention the downtown park, where She’,d spent many Sunday mornings there, playing on the swings, listening to people playing music, and riding her bike.
Almost about to leave, Zoe spread the map of the city on a table and and started to mark all the places where she was really happy, with the certainty that they will always accompany her.
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