The Cat who saved books

Natsukawa, Sosuke

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The Cat Who Saved Books is a heartwarming story about finding courage, caring for others – and the tremendous power of books.

Natsuki Books was a tiny second-hand bookshop on the edge of town. Inside, towering shelves reached the ceiling, every one crammed full of wonderful books. Rintaro Natsuki loved this space that his grandfather had created. He spent many happy hours there, reading whatever he liked. It was the perfect refuge for a boy who tended to be something of a recluse.

After the death of his grandfather, Rintaro is devastated and alone. It seems he will have to close the shop. Then, a talking tabby cat called Tiger appears and asks Rintaro for help. The cat needs a book lover to join him on a mission. This odd couple will go on three magical adventures to save books from people who have imprisoned, mistreated and betrayed them. Finally, there is one last rescue that Rintaro must attempt alone...

Sosuke Natsukawa’s international bestseller, translated from Japanese by Louise Heal Kawai, is a story for those for whom books are so much more than words on paper.

Biografia de Sosuke Natsukawa

Sosuke Natsukawa (1978) és metge i escriptor, autor de El gat que estimava els llibres i El gat que cuidava les biblioteques. Amb només dos llibres publicats, s’ha convertit en un fenomen supervendes al Japó amb més de tres milions d’exemplars venuts. Això l’ha portat a ser traduït a més de trenta països.

Fitxa tècnica - The Cat who saved books

Tipus de producte: Llibre
Any d'edició: 2023
Idioma: Anglès
EAN: 9781529081480
Referència Abacus: 1469928.77
Editorial: Pan Macmillan UK
The Cat who saved books

The Cat who saved books

Natsukawa, Sosuke

12,50€ 11,87€
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