
Steel, Danielle

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Palazzo is a riveting novel about family, love and legacy set in the cut-throat world of Italian fashion, from the billion-copy bestselling author Danielle Steel.

After her parents perish in a tragic accident, Cosima Saverio assumes leadership of her family’s haute couture Italian leather brand. While navigating the challenges of running a company at twenty-three, Cosima must also maintain the elegant four-hundred-year-old family palazzo in Venice and care for her younger siblings: Allegra, who survived the tragedy that killed their parents, and Luca, who has a penchant for wild parties, pretty women and poker tables.

Cosima navigates her personal and professional challenges with a wisdom beyond her years, but her success has come at a cost: her needs are always secondary. She’s married to the business, and her free time is given to those who rely on her . . . until she meets Olivier Bayard, the founder of France’s most successful ready-to-wear handbag company.

But Luca’s gambling habit gets out of control and Cosima is forced to make an impossible choice to save him. The palazzo, the family business, or cut Luca loose? Or is there another way to rescue everything she has fought for before it goes up in flames?

Biografia de Danielle Steel

Danielle Steel (Nueva York, EUA, 1947) és, sens dubte, una de les novel·listes més populars de tot el món, coneguda sobretot per les seves novel·les romàntiques. Algunes de les seves obres més conegudes són Zoya, Una perfecta desconocida, No hay un amor más grande i Álbum de familia. Els seus llibres s'han publicat a seixanta-nou països, amb vendes que superen els nou-cents milions d'exemplars. Cadascun dels seus llançaments ha encapçalat les llistes de best-sellers de The New York Times, i molts s'han mantingut en aquesta posició durant mesos.

Fitxa tècnica - Palazzo

Tipus de producte: Llibre
Pàgines/Fulls: 352
Idioma: Anglès
EAN: 9781529022445
Referència Abacus: 1483239.67
Editorial: Mariana B. Posse

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Steel, Danielle

11,75€ 11,16€
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