Llibres de Narrativa i Novel·les

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Un mariage au bord de l'eau
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Steel, Danielle

Retour sur l'île écossaise de Mure pour un feel good chaleureux et émouvant sous le signe du mariage. A l'approche de l'été, la petite île écossaise de Mure est en effervescence ! Flora prépare son mariage avec Joel, mais les deux amoureux ayant des idées très différentes sur la façon de célébrer l'événement, tout devient soudainement très compliqué entre eux... D'autant plus qu'au même moment, Olivia et Anthony organisent eux aussi un mariage follement extravagant au grand hôtel, avec chefs, musiciens et même un mur de fleurs... Et puis il y a Lorna et Saif, qui gardent désespérément leur relation secrète pour protéger les fils de Saif. Mais pendant qu'ils s'occupent des garçons, qui prend soin du couple ? Trois histoires d'amour. Une nuit d'été. Tout le monde aura-t-il droit à son happy end ?
13,95€ 13,25€
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The Happiest Ever After
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Johnson, Milly

Polly Potter is surviving, not thriving. She used to love her job – until her mentor died and her new boss decided to make her life hell. She used to love her partner Chris – until he cheated on her, and now she can’t forget. The only place where her life is working is on the pages of the novel she is writing – there she can create a feistier, bolder, more successful version of herself – as the ­fictional Sabrina Anderson.But what if it was possible to start over again? To leave everything behind, forget all that went before, and live the life you’d always dreamed of?After a set of unforeseen circumstances, Polly ends up believing she really IS Sabrina, living at the heart of a noisy Italian family restaurant by the sea. Run by Teddy, the son of her new landlady Marielle, it’s a much-loved place, facing threat of closure as a rival restaurant moves in next door. Sabrina can’t remember her life as Polly, but she knows she is living a different life from the one she used to have.But what if this new life could belong to her after all?
12,50€ 11,87€
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Lady Tan's Circle Of Women
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See, Lisa

*NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!*An immersive historical novel inspired by the true story of a woman physician in 15th-century China.According to Confucius, “an educated woman is a worthless woman,” but Tan Yunxian—born into an elite family, yet haunted by death, separations, and loneliness—is being raised by her grandparents to be of use. Her grandmother is one of only a handful of female doctors in China, and she teaches Yunxian the pillars of Chinese medicine, the Four Examinations—looking, listening, touching, and asking—something a man can never do with a female patient.From a young age, Yunxian learns about women’s illnesses, many of which relate to childbearing, alongside a young midwife-in-training, Meiling. The two girls find fast friendship and a mutual purpose—despite the prohibition that a doctor should never touch blood while a midwife comes in frequent contact with it—and they vow to be forever friends, sharing in each other’s joys and struggles. No mud, no lotus , they tell from adversity beauty can bloom.But when Yunxian is sent into an arranged marriage, her mother-in-law forbids her from seeing Meiling and from helping the women and girls in the household. Yunxian is to act like a proper wife—embroider bound-foot slippers, recite poetry, give birth to sons, and stay forever within the walls of the family compound, the Garden of Fragrant Delights.How might a woman like Yunxian break free of these traditions and lead a life of such importance that many of her remedies are still used five centuries later? How might the power of friendship support or complicate these efforts? A captivating story of women helping each other, Lady Tan’s Circle of Women is a triumphant reimagining of the life of one person who was remarkable in the Ming dynasty and would be considered remarkable today.
12,50€ 11,87€
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The maiden
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Foster, Kate

Inspired by a real-life case and winner of the Bloody Scotland Pitch Perfect Award, Kate Foster's The Maiden is a remarkable story with a feminist revisionist twist, giving a voice to women otherwise silenced by history.''In the end, it did not matter what I said at my trial. No one believed me.''Edinburgh, October 1679. Lady Christian Nimmo is arrested and charged with the murder of her lover, James Forrester. News of her imprisonment and subsequent trial is splashed across the broadsides, with headlines that leave little room for doubt: Adulteress. Whore. Murderess.Only a year before, Christian was leading a life of privilege and respectability. So, what led her to risk everything for an affair? And does that make her guilty of murder? She wasn't the only woman in Forrester's life, and certainly not the only one who might have had cause to wish him dead . . .
15,00€ 14,25€
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Historia de dos ciudades
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Dickens, Charles

Tomando como punto de referencia la revolución francesa, Dickens muestra los problemas sociales y políticos de Inglaterra, temiendo que la historia se repitiera en su país natal. En el contraste de estas dos ciudades presentadas, Inglaterra se presenta como la confianza, la tranquilidad, el futuro asegurado, mientras Francia se convierte más y más peligrosa a medida que avanza la novela. Los actos de violencia realizados por el pueblo francés, están dentro de las escenas más memorables del libro. Dickens rechaza la violencia revolucionaria en sus dos formas, tanto es su forma popular, por las masas, como en su forma institucional, el terror de estado.
9,00€ 8,55€
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Luz de Candela, La
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Carrillo, M�nica

¿Qué ocurre cuando nos enamoramos de una persona que sabemos que nos vaa complicar la vida? Candela es una fotógrafa a la que un día se lecruza el amor y la atropella, poniéndolo todo patas arriba. Y ya nadaserá como antes. El responsable de ese torbellino es Manuel, un jovenmodelo con el que vivirá una historia de amor tan fascinante comoadictiva. La emoción de losprimeros besos, la complicidad, la pasión.Pero también la angustia de quien no recibe todo lo que da. Y el apoyoincondicional y mágico de las amigas. La cara y la cruz del amor. Porquela vida sigue, siempre sigue… La luz de Candela es un precioso canto alas emociones, una delicada novela llena de sensibilidad queentusiasmará al lector.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Tres veces al amanecer
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Baricco, Alessandro

13,90€ 13,20€
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Corruptores, Los
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Zepeda, Jorge

18,00€ 17,10€
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Viajes por Manchuria y Mongolia
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Yosano, Akiko

Cuando Akiko Yosano y su esposo recibieron la oferta de la Compañía del Ferrocarril del Sur de Manchuria para realizar un viaje por el noreste de Asia, dudaron inicialmente porque los últimos años de la década de 1920 fueron un punto álgido para las relaciones chino-japonesas debido a la expansión civil y militar japonesa en Manchuria y el norte de China. Sin embargo, ambos lograron enfrascarse en un largo viaje por esta zona, recogiendo testimonios de los pueblos y lugares donde se detenían durante su travesía. En Viajes por Manchuria y Mongolia, Akiko Yosano ofrece, además, descripciones maravillosas y detalladas de las montañas, templos y santuarios, de la belleza natural de las ciudades y calles de una China misteriosa. El testimonio de Yosano permite entender la indiferencia de los japoneses hacia la cultura china, pues son incapaces de comprenderla porque no la han vivido ni visto de cerca, por eso, ella busca experimentar por sí misma esta realidad extranjera. Así, en su narración, los chinos aparecen como un pueblo extremadamente trabajador, que sufre bajo grandes presiones y desunión interna. China se presenta como un país de gran belleza natural, que el tiempo y el expolio humano no han arruinado del todo. «La crónica de sus viajes [de Akiko Yosano], por tanto, sigue siendo un retrato ante todo personal e íntimo de China y los chinos. Y, de este modo, está llena de ambigüedades, tanto de regocijo como de inquietud, de disfrute y de miedo». Joshua A. Fogel
19,90€ 18,90€
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Silenci doble, El
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Jungstedt, Mari

Sense fer soroll, es va acostar a la porta. Cap rastre que l’haguessinforçat. [...] Tan suaument com va poder, va pujar les escales del porxode l’entrada, serrava les dents amb força a cada cruixit dels taulons.Es va aturar al capdamunt i va parar l’orella per captar qualsevolremor. Encara no li arribava cap so de l’interior. Va aguantar-se larespiració. A poc a poc, va fer passar els dits tremolosos perl’escletxa de la porta. Lentament la va obrir. Dubitativa, va entrar ala casa. Un home s’ha desplomat des d’un penya-segat, una dona hadesaparegut després d’un passeig en bicicleta. Una colla de bons amicsfan vacances cada any en una illa sueca. Aquest any, però, les coses noaniran com sempre: un seguit de tragèdies, aparentment atzaroses, elsconnectarà d’alguna manera. El comissari Anders Knutas hauràd’investigar el passat d’aquesta colla per trobar la veritat. Una forçamalèfica els ha seguit fins a l’illa? O ha estat amb ells des de sempre?Fins i tot els millors amics no ho comparteixen tot.
18,90€ 17,95€
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Fc porto - 130 anos
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O FC Porto acaba de completar 130 anos de história. Uma história riquíssima, que transformou o clube azul e branco, um dos mais laureados de Portugal e um dos mais carismáticos do Mundo, na bandeira de uma cidade e de uma região. Uma história marcada pela conquista de 30 campeonatos nacionais e de dois títulos de campeão europeu, entre dezenas de troféus importantes no futebol sénior. É essa história que, através de 130 momentos, profusamente ilustrados, é contada neste álbum de capa dura e grandes dimensões.
49,25€ 46,79€
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P�rez Gald�s, Benito

16,90€ 16,05€
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No tan incendiario
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Sanz, Marta

No nos engañemos. Este libro responde a las exigencias del discurso hegemónico: parte de la base de que es necesario formular preguntas, pero se siente incapaz de responder a todas. Es un texto integrado en la masa de textos y, a la vez, una trompeta del apocalipsis. Un ensayo esquizoide que pretende ser cualquier cosa, menos académico. Aquí no hay vocación de transparencia. Ni de limpieza. Ni de claridad. El exceso de higiene debilita la salud. Este texto aspira a manchar de tinta las manos que lo agarren. Como el papel de periódico. Estos pensamientos -soflamas al margen de cualquier cautela- responden a la incertidumbre y a cierta sensación de malestar: a la imposibilidad de estar conforme. Son un oxímoron: textos que parten de la radical convicción de que la literatura ya no le importa a casi nadie y que a la vez pretenden hablar de la literatura desde un lugar que no sea su templo, su jardín vallado, su paraíso perdido.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Compliance en materia deportiva y medidas de acción en favor de la política de género en la nueva Ley del Deporte (Papel + e-book)
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Chico de la Cámara, Pablo

La complejidad de todas las aristas que encierra la normativa deportiva (tributaria, contable, laboral, mercantil, financiera y penal) demanda una obra que aborde de forma compacta toda esta materia. Los contenidos están totalmente actualizados con la nueva Ley 39/2022, de 30 de diciembre, del Deporte. Además, se abordan los pasos necesarios para que todos los actores principales de la Ley del Deporte, a saber, CSD, Federaciones, Ligas, clubes y deportistas, promuevan políticas activas de género.
81,05€ 77,00€
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Brown Bear goes to London
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Foster, Jane

There's so much to discover together in London!Follow Brown Bear and his friends as they explore the big city - from Tower Bridge to Buckingham Palace.With vibrant artwork and charming animal characters, this new picture book series from Jane Foster introduces little ones to everyday adventures and the spirit of friendship.
13,69€ 13,01€
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The final gambit
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Barnes, Jennifer Lynn

1.5 MILLION COPIES SOLD OF THE #1 BESTSELLING SERIES!Avery’s fortune, life, and loves are on the line in the game that everyone will be talking about.To inherit billions, all Avery Kylie Grambs has to do is survive a few more weeks living in Hawthorne House. The paparazzi are dogging her every step. Financial pressures are building. Danger is a fact of life. And the only thing getting Avery through it all is the Hawthorne brothers. Her life is intertwined with theirs. She knows their secrets and they know her.But as the clock ticks down to the moment when Avery will become the richest teenager on the planet, trouble arrives in the form of a visitor who needs her help—and whose presence in Hawthorne House could change everything. It soon becomes clear that there is one last puzzle to solve, and Avery and the Hawthorne brothers are drawn into a dangerous game against an unknown and powerful player.Secrets upon secrets. Riddles upon riddles. In this game, there are hearts and lives at stake—and there is nothing more Hawthorne than winning.Discover what’s next for the Hawthornes in The Brothers Hawthorne, available for preorder now!
11,46€ 10,89€
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There's no way a side character like me could be popular, right?
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My name is Tomoki Yuuki, a second-year high school student. I?d say I?m a fairly normal student, save for the fact that everyone avoids me like the plague because I apparently look like I?m out for blood. Ike Haruma is the only one who doesn?t steer clear of me. He?s your typical ?perfect guy? in every sense, the protagonist with no real flaws that you see in any given story.Life at school was continuing on as usual? until one day, Haruma?s super popular little sister confesses to me out of the blue?! Though she later clarifies that her feelings toward me are anything but romantic and that she has an ulterior motive, I end up accepting my new role as ?fake boyfriend? as a favor to Haruma.Believe it or not, the moment I start going out with her, Haruma?s idol-tier childhood friend and my super hot teacher get involved with me too!Wait a minute. This can?t be a dream rom-com scenario setting itself up for me, can it?! There?s no way a side character like me could be popular, right?
14,55€ 13,82€
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Discursos, vol. X: Catilinàries
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El desè volum dels Discursos de Ciceró presenta les famoses Catilinàries, que va pronunciar Ciceró l'any 63 a.C. per a posar al descobert els plans de Luci Sergi Catilina i els seus aliats per dur a terme un cop d'estat.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Odissea, vol. III (cants XIII-XVIII)
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Aquest volum aplega els cants XIII-XVIII de l'Odissea, on són narrades l'arribada d'Ulisses a Ítaca i la lenta preparació de la venjança contra els pretendents, en la cèlebre traducció poètica que en féu Carles Riba. El text reproduït és el de l'edició d'Alpha de 1953, l'última controlada directament pel poeta, al qual s'han afegit les escasses correccions que el mateix traductor va anotar en un exemplar particular seu i en unes proves de tiratge no enquadernades, que actualment es troben a l'Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya. L'edició ha estat completada amb el text homèric en grec, establert segons els criteris filològics moderns, i les habituals notes de la FBM. Presentem, per tant, la primera edició bilingüe i anotada de l'Odissea d'Homer amb la traducció en vers de Carles Riba.
45,00€ 42,75€
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L'expedició dels deu mil, vol. II (llibres III-IV)
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El segon volum de L'expedició dels deu mil de Xenofont conté els llibres tercer i quart d'aquesta obra.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Apèndix virgiliana, vol. II i últim: Elegia a Mecenas. L&#x02019,agró. Minúcies. L&#x02019, almadroc. Del capteniment
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El segon i últim volum de l'Apèndix virgiliana, un recull de poemes transmesos sota el nom de Virgili, conté aquests cinc poemes: ''Elegia a Mecenas'', ''L'agró'', ''Minúcies'', ''L'almadroc'' i ''Del capteniment''.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Diàlegs, vol. X: La República (llibres I-IV)
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El desè volum dels Diàlegs de Plató conté els primers quatre llibres de La República.
39,00€ 37,05€
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A walk in the words
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Talbott, Hudson

Hudson Talbott's inspiring story vividly reveals the challenges--and ultimately the rewards--of being a non-mainstream kind of learner.When Hudson Talbott was a little boy, he loved drawing, and it came naturally to him. But reading? No way! One at a time, words weren't a problem, but long sentences were a struggle. As his friends moved on to thicker books, he kept his slow reading a secret. But that got harder every year. He felt alone, lost, and afraid in a world of too many words.Fortunately, his love of stories wouldn't let him give up. He started giving himself permission to read at his own pace, using the words he knew as stepping-stones to help draw him into a story. And he found he wasn't so alone--in fact, lots of brilliant people were slow readers, too. Learning to accept the fact that everyone does things in their own unique way, and that was okay, freed him up and ultimately helped Hudson thrive and become the fabulous storyteller he is today.
19,85€ 18,86€
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A brief history of timekeeping
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Orzel, Chad

Press the snooze button on your alarm once too often and you soon remember the importance of good timekeeping. That need to tell the time connects you to over five thousand years of human history, from the first solstice markers at Newgrange to quartz crystal oscillating in your watch today. Science underpins time: measuring the movement of Sun, Earth and Moon, and unlocking the mysteries of quantum mechanics and relativity theory – the key to ultra-precise atomic clocks.
15,58€ 14,80€
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The art of cinematic storytelling
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Gordon, Kelly

To dramatize a story using moving images, a director must have a full understanding of the meaning and emotional effect of all the various types of shots and cuts that are available to advance the story. Drawing upon his extensive experience as a storyboard artist who has worked with over 200 directors and cinematographers on television series and movies, author Kelly Gordon Brine provides a practical and accessible introduction to the design of shots, cuts, and transitions for film, television, animation, video, and game design.
289,28€ 274,82€
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Peppas first pet my first storybook
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Peppa Pig: Fire Engine is a colourful and engaging story book based on the popular children's series. Splish, splash! Oh dear, Peppa Pig's pet fish, Goldie, isn't well. Join Peppa Pig, George and Mummy Pig in this delightful children's storybook, as they take an exciting bus ride to the vet to find out why Goldie isn't eating her food. This story book features your favourite characters from Peppa Pig and is perfect for sharing at school or for snuggling up at bedtime! The Peppa Pig range of books are fun, interactive and educational, ideal for encouraging children to start to read by themselves.
7,08€ 6,73€
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Bone music
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Almond, David

From the bestselling, award-winning David Almond comes a book of hope and joy: under a boundless starry sky, the unforgettable Sylvia Carr finds out what it means to be brave. For readers of Michael Morpurgo and Katherine Rundell, from the author of the beloved Skellig.She felt like a ghost. She woke in the night. What was that music? Sylvia has never been so far away. Her mother has brought her to this village, this place of silence and dark, endless forest, and she yearns for the city, the bright lights, her friends, even a phone signal. Late one night she hears the music, a weird jagged spiralling sound. It is played by Gabriel, a troubled, beautiful boy. Gabriel uses the strangest of flutes, a hollow bone. Play it well enough, he says, and you cross the borders between the living and the dead. Sylvia knows she'll follow him into the depths of the forest. But will they ever find their way out again?
11,34€ 10,77€
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Discursos, vol. XV: Contra Publi Vatini. Defensa de Marc Celi.
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Els discursos que conté aquest volum, l'In Vatinium i el Pro Caelio, van ser pronunciats per Ciceró després del seu retorn de l'exili, l'any 57. Formen part de les anomenades Clodianae orationes, que van servir a l'orador per a combatre el seu enemic Publi Clodi. L'In Vatinium està vinculat al procés de Sesti, que Ciceró defensava, i és un interrogatori adreçat a Publi Vatini, que havia testimoniat a favor dels acusadors de Sesti. El Pro Caelio és una defensa abrandada del jove Marc Celi Rufus, que havia estat acusat d'assassinat i d'enverinament a instàncies de Clòdia, la germana de l'enemic de l'orador. En aquest darrer discurs, trobem un Ciceró inèdit que s'esforça a disculpar la conducta disbauxada de Celi i que llança invectives duríssimes contra Clòdia.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Poesies (segona edició)
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Volum de les Poesies de Catul.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Wreck this journal
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Smith, Keri

A new edition of Keri Smith's bestseller, with updated material Think of Wreck This Journal as the anarchist's Artist's Way -- the book for those who've always wanted to draw outside the lines but were afraid to do it. For anyone who's ever wished to, but had trouble starting, keeping, or finishing a journal or sketchbook comes Wreck This Journal, an illustrated book featuring a subversive collection of suggestions, asking readers to muster up their best mistake - and mess-making abilities to fill the pages of the book (and destroy them). Through a series of creatively and quirkily illustrated prompts, acclaimed artist Keri Smith encourages journalers to engage in destructive acts - poking holes through pages, adding photos and defacing them, painting with coffee, colouring outside the lines, and more - in order to experience the true creative process. With Keri Smith's unique sensibility, readers are introduced to a new way of art and journal making, discovering novel ways to escape the fear of the blank page and fully engage in the creative process. Bestselling author Keri Smith is a freelance illustrator by trade, and has illustrated for the Washington Post, The New York Times, Ford Motor Company, People, The Body Shop and Hallmark. She is the author of Wreck This Journal, How To Be An Explorer of the World and Mess. A native of Canada, she lives in the US.
15,58€ 14,80€
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Great automatic grammatizator and other
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Dahl, Roald

CAN a machine really do the job of a writer?HOW would you take exact revenge on a cruel tabloid journalist?WHY does no one emerge from the house of an eccentric landlady?THIRTEEN UNEXPECTED TALES WITH SHOCKING AND UNSETTLING TWISTS AT EVERY TURN.
12,75€ 12,11€
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The great Gatsby
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Fitzgerald, Francis Scott

The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel written by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald that follows a cast of characters living in the fictional towns of West Egg and East Egg on prosperous Long Island in the summer of 1922. The story primarily concerns the young and mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and his quixotic passion and obsession with the beautiful former debutante Daisy Buchanan. Considered to be Fitzgerald's magnum opus, The Great Gatsby explores themes of decadence, idealism, resistance to change, social upheaval and excess, creating a portrait of the Roaring Twenties that has been described as a cautionary tale regarding the American Dream.
29,50€ 28,02€
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Diàlegs, vol. II i últim (llibres III-IV)
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Gregori el Gran

El segon volum i últim volum dels Diàlegs de Gregori el Gran conté el tercer i quart llibre d'aquesta obra.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Strobel, Arno

Markus und seine Frau Bettina fanden den Gedanken, dass man nicht alles besitzen muss, um es zu nutzen, schon immer gut. Diese Philosophie liegt auch ihrem Sharing-Unternehmen zugrunde. Möglichst viele sollen Autos und Wohnungen teilen und so für mehr Nachhaltigkeit sorgen. Bis Bettina in die Hände eines Unbekannten gerät, der sie misshandelt und das im Darknet mit Tausenden Zuschauern teilt. Wenn Markus seine Frau lebend wiedersehen will, muss er tun, was Bettinas Peiniger sagt. Ausnahmslos, bedingungslos. Und ein Spiel mitspielen, das er nicht gewinnen kann. Auch wenn er bereit ist, alles auf eine Karte zu setzen.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Du musst rennen. Du musst schneller sein als sie. Schneller und schlauer.Hochspannend und dramatisch: Der neue Standalone-Thriller des Autorenduos Ulrike Gerold und Wolfram Hänel.Junge Frauen verschwinden. In diesen magischen Nächten zwischen den Jahren. Nach zwölf Tagen kehren sie zurück, verwirrt und verstört. Zwei von ihnen haben es nicht mehr ausgehalten, sie gingen freiwillig in den Tod. Andere sind aus dem Tal weggezogen und nie wieder zurückgekehrt. Die wenigen, die geblieben sind, schweigen. Als Lisa an Weihnachten zu ihren Großeltern ins Tal fährt, ist wieder ein Mädchen verschwunden. Warum spricht niemand darüber?Ein verstörender Thriller für die beste Lesezeit des Jahres.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Higgins Clark, Mary

La periodista de investigación Gina Kane recibe noticias inquietantes: una persona llamada C. Ryan revela que tuvo ''experiencias horribles'' trabajando para una importante cadena de noticias. Y ella no es la única. Pero todos los intentos de Gina de contactar a C. Ryan fallan. Después de una investigación interminable, descubre el trasfondo trágico: C. Ryan está muerta, murió recientemente en extrañas circunstancias. Gina continúa investigando vigorosamente y se encuentra con una pista terrible.
13,75€ 13,06€
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Compra novel·les a la botiga online d’Abacus

En aquesta secció disposem d'una àmplia selecció de novel·les online en format de tapa tova i tapa dura en múltiples idiomes.

Tria el gènere que més t'agradi! Novel·la contemporània catalana i espanyola, hispanoamericana, europea, anglosaxona, asiàtica, de viatges, de ciència-ficció i fantasia, de terror i misteri, negra, policíaca i thriller, romàntica i eròtica, històrica i literatura clàssica i juvenil.

Aclaparat per la gran quantitat de llibres? No et preocupis! Utilitza els nostres filtres per a buscar per temàtica, per les novel·les més venudes, per ordre alfabètic, pel format de llibre, per tipus de tapa, per idioma o per preu (de més baix a més alt). I troba fàcilment la lectura que estàs buscant!

Llegeix les millors novel·les, noves o clàssiques

Al nostre catàleg de novel·les online trobaràs la millor literatura clàssica de tots els temps, com per exemple, la Divina Comèdia de Dante, la Metamorfosi d'Ovidi, La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas o La Ilíada i L'Odissea d'Homer, entre altres, així com una selecció de l'últim en novel·les noves, en la qual es troben títols com La chica de nieve, Reina Roja, Sakura, El pintor d'ànimes, La noia del tren, El día que se perdió el amor, Largo pétalo de mar i moltes més.

Busques un escriptor en particular? Aquests són només alguns dels autors nacionals i internacionals dels quals disposem novel·les: Javier Castillo, Juan Gómez-Jurado, Víctor Amela, Almudena Grandes, Albert Espinosa, Maria Mercè Roca, Ildefonso Falcones, Santiago Posteguillo, Sarah Lark, Elísabet Benavent (@betacoqueta), Matilde Asensi, Paula Hawkins, Isabel Allende, etc.

T'agrada llegir novel·les? Fes un cop d'ull a la nostra selecció de literatura clàssica i descobreix les últimes novetats.