Enzo would like to have a giant figure

Pilar Valero Herrera, Isabel d

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At the beginning of COVID 19 lockdown, one of my grandchildren was sharing his wishes: he wanted to be with his family and friends and he also wanted to have a giant figure. The former was not in my hands. However, the latter made my face open in a big smile, since after I read it, my interest in making it come true was awaken. I spent two weeks very entertained with the giant figure. It was gradually taking shape and getting colourful, while my grandson was laughing, as he realized that his dream was about to come true. Afterwards the idea of the giant figure grew and I complemented it with a gloss that mixes poetry with the fiction of the tale in order to explain a real story. I contacted with the creative soul (that is the way she defines herself, as she cultivates several cultural fields), Montse Olivé Balletbó, who was encouraged to draw it. I have thought that it could be published, because it gives reference points about attitudes and behaviours in conflictridden times and shows the way that human beings are able to combat a devastating pandemic with enthusiasm and creativity, even before it is over.

Fitxa tècnica - Enzo would like to have a giant figure

Tipus de producte: Llibre
Pàgines/Fulls: 22
Any d'edició: 2023
Idioma: Castellà
Tipus de tapa: Tova
EAN: 9788416445851
Referència Abacus: 1466975.15
Editorial: Propostes C. Andana
Enzo would like to have a giant figure

Enzo would like to have a giant figure

Pilar Valero Herrera, Isabel d

16,00€ 15,20€
5% descompte
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