Did romans really eat flamingos

Ganeri, Anita

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Discover the weird and wacky history of the Romans!

Who was the maddest Roman emperor? Why didn’t the Romans use toilet paper? And just how dangerous was a Roman tortoise? A Question of History: Ancient Rome answers all these questions and much more.

With an engaging question and answer format, this series draws young readers into the fascinating, sometimes gruesome, world of famous peoples and civilisations through history. Each spread opens with a simple question, opening up an exploration of an aspect of the life of a people or civilisation and busting some popular myths along the way!

The lively design is supported by annotated photos and cartoons, making history fun and accessible for readers aged 8+.

Fitxa tècnica - Did romans really eat flamingos

Tipus de producte: Llibre
Any d'edició: 2023
Idioma: Anglès
EAN: 9781526315335
Referència Abacus: 1427721.24
Editorial: Hachette USA
Did romans really eat flamingos

Did romans really eat flamingos

Ganeri, Anita

15,14€ 14,38€
5% descompte
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