Robert Galbraith


Robert Galbraith és un pseudònim de J.K. Rowling, l'autora de la saga d'Harry Potter i de Una vacante imprevista. L'aclamada sèrie policíaca protagonitzada per Cormoran Strike ha estat adaptada amb gran èxit a la pantalla petita per BBC One.


Galbraith, Robert

Now a major BBC drama: The Strike series When a mysterious package is delivered to Robin Ellacott, she ishorrified to discover that it contains a woman's severed leg. Her boss, private detective Cormoran Strike,is less surprised but no less alarmed. There are four people from his past who he thinks could be responsible - and Strike knows that any one of them is capable of sustained and unspeakable brutality. With the police focusing on the one suspect Strike is increasingly sure is not the perpetrator, he and Robin take matters into their own hands, and delve into the dark and twisted worlds of the other three men. But as morehorrendous acts occur, time is running out for the two of them... A fiendishly clever mystery with unexpected twists around every corner, Career of Evil is also a gripping story of a man and a woman at a crossroads in their personal and professional lives. You will not be able to put this book down.
12,95€ 12,30€
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Galbraith, Robert

When novelist Owen Quine goes missing, his wife callsin private detective Cormoran Strike. At first, shejust thinks he has gone off by himself for a few days- as he has done before - and she wants Strike to find him and bring him home. But as Strike investigates, it becomes clear that there is more to Quine's disappearance than his wife realises. The novelist has just completed a manuscript featuring poisonous pen-portraits of almost everyone he knows. If the novel werepublished it would ruin lives - so there are a lot of people who might want to silence him. And when Quine is found brutally murdered in bizarre circumstances, it becomes a race against time to understand the motivation of a ruthless killer, a killer unlike any hehas encountered before...
18,00€ 17,10€
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Galbraith, Robert

When a mysterious package is delivered to Robin Ellacott, she is horrified to discover that it contains awoman's severed leg. Her boss, private detective Cormoran Strike, is less surprised but no less alarmed. There are four people from his past who he thinks could be responsible - and Strike knows that any one of them is capable of sustained and unspeakable brutality. With the police focusing on the one suspect Strikeis increasingly sure is not the perpetrator, he and Robin take matters into their own hands, and delve into the dark and twisted worlds of the other three men.But as more horrendous acts occur, time is running out for the two of them... A fiendishly clever mysterywith unexpected twists around every corner, Career of Evil is also a gripping story of a man and a womanat a crossroads in their personal and professional lives. You will not be able to put this book down.
19,00€ 18,05€
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Galbraith, Robert

Aquest cop, l?escenari és el món de la literatura, les editorials, els premis, les enveges, les rivalitats, els interessos... Un escenari que Rowling coneix molt bé. Quan l'escriptor Owen Quine desapareix, la seva dona truca al detectiu privat Cormoran Strike perquè el trobi. Al principi, ella creu senzillament que ha tocat el dos un parell de dies, tal com ha fet altres vegades, i l'únic que espera de Cormoran és que el trobi i el faci tornar a casa. Però a mesura que la investigació de Strike avança, resulta evident que hi ha alguna cosa estranya en la desaparició d'en Quine que la seva dona no sospita. L'escriptor tot just ha acabat un manuscrit ple de retrats i descripcions de totes les persones que coneix. Si la novel·la es publiqués, arruïnaria moltes vides. Això vol dir que hi ha força gent que el preferiria callat. I quan la policia troba el cos d'en Quine, que ha estat brutalment assassinat en estranyes circumstàncies, comença una carrera contra rellotge per entendre les motivacions d'un assassí despietat. Un assassí totalment diferent de tots els que ha conegut fins aleshores.
19,00€ 18,05€
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Galbraith, Robert

12,95€ 12,30€
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