Robert Jordan


Robert Jordan, pseudònim de James Oliver Rigney, Jr. (Charleston, Carolina del Sud, 1948 - Charleston, 2007) va ser un escriptor estatunidenc, famós per ser autor de la saga de fantasia La Roda del Temps, WOT per la seva abreviació en anglès.

També va escriure crítiques de dansa i teatre, però és l'èpica i extensa sèrie el que va fer d'ell un dels escriptors de fantasia contemporanis més famós i estimat. A més, Jordan és un dels molts escriptors que han escrit relats o novel·les de Conan el Bàrbar, personatge creat per Robert E. Howard el 1932.

Jordan es va diplomar en física a The Citadel, una universitat militar de Carolina del Sud. Aficionat a la història, es va allistar a l'exèrcit dels Estats Units i va participar a la guerra del Vietnam abans de dedicar-se a escriure.

Abans de la seva prematura mort als 59 anys, Robert Jordan va deixar indicacions sobre com havia de ser el llibre final de la saga perquè Brandon Sanderson, reconegut autor del gènere fantàstic, l'escrivís amb l'ajuda de Harriet McDougal, vídua de Jordan i editora de La Roda del Temps. A causa de la seva extensió, es va decidir convertir-ho en tres toms.


Jordan, Robert

The essential companion to the No. 1 internationally bestselling the Wheel of Time, one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever publishedNOW A MAJOR TV SERIES ON AMAZON PRIMEWith never-before-told legends and fascinating histories of its peoples and lands, this engrossing book, written by Robert Jordan himself in collaboration with Teresa Patterson, takes you on an unforgettable journey through the extraordinary world of the Wheel of Time.The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.
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Jordan, Robert

For centuries, gleemen have told the tales of The Great Hunt of the Horn. So many tales about each of the Hunters, and so many Hunters to tell of . . . Now the Horn itself is found: the Horn of Valere long thought only legend, the Horn which will raise the dead heroes of the ages. And it is stolen. In pursuit of the thieves, Rand al'Thor is determined to keep the Horn out of the grasp of The Dark One. But he has also learned that he is The Dragon Reborn, the Champion of Light destined to stand against the Shadow time and again. It is a duty and a destiny that requires Rand to uncover and master extraordinary capabilities he never imagined he possessed. The Wheel of Time turns, and an epic adventure continues.
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Jordan, Robert

The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.Moiraine Damodred arrives in Emond’s Field on a quest to find the one prophesized to stand against The Dark One, a malicious entity sowing the seeds of chaos and destruction. When a vicious band of half-men, half beasts invade the village seeking their master’s enemy, Moiraine persuades Rand al’Thor and his friends to leave their home and enter a larger unimaginable world filled with dangers waiting in the shadows and in the light.
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Jordan, Robert

Perrin, acompañado de Faile, Loial y algunos Aiel, llega a Dos Ríos después de atravesar los Portales de Piedra. Allí se encuentran con los Trollocs que sirven al Oscuro y con los Capas Blancas, que tienen una forma muy especial de entender la defensa
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