27 Llibres trobats

Ruiz Johnson, Mariana

Quan la mare se'n va de viatge per feina, la casa no fa olor de flors i és el pare qui cuida del petit elefant. La maleta, l'aeroport, el comiat... tot un procés fins que la mare per fi regressa.
14,00€ 13,30€
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Ruiz Johnson, Mariana

Mum (9788484648437), by Mariana Ruiz Johnson. Motherhood seen through poetry and art, between tenderness and chromatic exuberance. A universal hymn to love and life in all its extension, from the human being and the creatures that surround us, to Mother Earth. The book won the VI Compostela Prize in 2013.
16,00€ 15,20€
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Ruiz Johnson, Mariana

15,00€ 14,25€
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