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Eulate, Ana A.

Medalla de Oro en los Moonbeam Children's Book Awards en 2012. El cielo de Afganistán , un texto conmovedor con ilustraciones de ensueño, es una oda conmovedora a los soñadores, a la paz y a la esperanza de poner fin a la guerra de una vez por todas. En un país destrozado por la guerra, una niña mira al cielo, cierra los ojos y su imaginación empieza a volar lejos, muy lejos del odio, de la tristeza. Se eleva más y más alto, hasta que visualiza ese sueño tan anhelado en el que todos nos damos la mano. Nos invita a soñar para que en su país, Afganistán, reine para siempre la paz. Su sueño se dirige a todas las regiones, se introduce en las casas, en los hogares, en las familias, en los corazones.Un canto a la paz que nos recuerda la necesidad de ser solidarios y tolerantes.
14,90€ 14,15€
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Eulate, Ana A.

Winner at the 2011 Living Now Book Awards. A touching and sensitive story for all ages about accepting differences and dealing with the loss of a loved one.On a spring night, under the light of the full moon a little lamb was born. Molly, her mother, decided to call him Lambkin. Lambkin was a very special sheep, and as time passed, it became more apparent that he was nothing like the other lambs. While his friends were dressed with white, long wool, the little one was covered with a small, fluffy cloud. Lambkin was a white cloud, sometimes cloudy, sometimes even a stormy one! Without a doubt, Lambkin was a very special sheep, and that was why it was more difficult for him to relate to others. He wasn't cut out for jumping fences and helping children fall asleepwhat he liked the most was being in nature.But like the clouds, Lambkin soon realized that his place was in the sky.
14,90€ 14,15€
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