2 Llibres trobats

Ribas Figueras, Miquel

Fina Ant is a very smart giraffeand there are few to comparewith her. Despite being thesmallest of the herd, she hasthe most adventures. Few ofher companions would dareto enter a cave as dark as thethroat of a lion, and wouldthey manage to survive anight lost on the savannahand surrounded by frighteningbeasts?
9,50€ 9,02€
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Ribas Figueras, Miquel

Vet aquí un pop incapaç de parar quiet. Els tentacles li van a mil i tot el dia volta, mar amunt i mar avall. Aviat li sembla que ja ho ha vist tot. Serà possible que no hi hagi res de nou per descobrir? Aquesta curiositat el portarà a fer la gosadia més
9,50€ 9,02€
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