2 Llibres trobats

Brown, Sarah

Descendientes de unos tímidos y solitarios gatos salvajes del norte de África, los gatos domésticos han conquistado los hogares de todo el mundo. Pero, ¿cómo han conseguido infiltrarse en nuestras casas y nuestros corazones para convencernos de mantenerlos calientes, alimentados y mimados? Fácil, simplemente aprendieron a hablar con nosotros. Sarah Brown, reconocida especialista en el comportamiento de los gatos, nos revela en este encantador libro todos los secretos de la comunicación de los gatos y la base científica de su comportamiento.
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Brown, Sarah

DO YOU EVER THINK YOUR CAT IS TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING?Cat lovers know all too well how mysterious their feline friends can be.Descended from shy, solitary North African wild cats, domestic cats set up home with devoted owners across the world. But how did those wildcats of old creep into our homes and our hearts, convincing us to keep them warm, fed, and pampered?Quite simply, they learned to talk to us.Each chapter dives into a different form of communication, including:- Vocalisation- Tail signals- Scents- RubbingRenowned cat behaviour scientist Dr. Sarah Brown reveals the previously unexplored secrets of cat communication, translating every meow and every blank stare. Her book will be perfect for any cat lover who wants to learn more about their companion.
16,25€ 15,44€
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