2 Llibres trobats
Foster, David
La inteligencia artificial generativa es el tema de moda en tecnología. Esta guía práctica enseña a los ingenieros del machine learning y a los científicos de datos cómo utilizar TensorFlow y Keras para crear desde cero impresionantes modelos de deep learning generativo, como autocodificadores variacionales o VAE, redes generativas adversativas o GAN, Transformers, flujos de normalización, modelos de difusión y basados en energía.El libro expone los fundamentos del deep learning y también las arquitecturas más innovadoras. Mediante consejos y trucos, permite al lector comprender cómo lograr que los modelos aprendan de un modo más eficiente y lleguen a ser más creativos.
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Foster, David
Generative AI is the hottest topic in tech. This practical book teaches machine learning engineers and data scientists how to use TensorFlow and Keras to create impressive generative deep learning models from scratch, including variational autoencoders (VAEs), generative adversarial networks (GANs), Transformers, normalizing flows, energy-based models, and denoising diffusion models.The book starts with the basics of deep learning and progresses to cutting-edge architectures. Through tips and tricks, you'll understand how to make your models learn more efficiently and become more creative.-Discover how VAEs can change facial expressions in photos.-Train GANs to generate images based on your own dataset.-Build diffusion models to produce new varieties of flowers.-Train your own GPT for text generation.-Learn how large language models like ChatGPT are trained.-Explore state-of-the-art architectures such as StyleGAN2 and ViT-VQGAN.-Compose polyphonic music using Transformers and MuseGAN.-Understand how generative world models can solve reinforcement learning tasks.-Dive into multimodal models such as DALL.E 2, Imagen, and Stable Diffusion.This book also explores the future of generative AI and how individuals and companies can proactively begin to leverage this remarkable new technology to create competitive advantage.
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