5 Llibres trobats
Hatt, Jemma
El legado de un padre, una persecución porEgipto y un misterio que lleva milenios enterrado...Lara, Rufus, Tom y Barney vuelven en su segunda emocionante aventura juntos. Con la ayuda de viejos y nuevos amigos, ¿podrán abrirse camino entre las antiguas maravillas de Egipto para desenterrar uno de los mayores tesoros de la historia?
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Hatt, Jemma
Hace varias generaciones que una misteriosa maldición afecta al castillo de Kexley, desde que un tesoro egipcio fue transportado hasta Cornualles por un explorador del siglo XIX. ¿Podrán cuatro jóvenes aventureros desvelar los secretos que llevan más de cien años ocultos?
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Hatt, Jemma
Two master criminals are on the run with ancient treasure, using London's web of hidden trails and passages to conceal their loot. The Adventurers must track them down using their wits, Uncle Logan... and a stolen red bus.Join Lara, Rufus, Tom, Daisy and Barney as they race to uncover the City of Secrets!
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Hatt, Jemma
The Adventurers and The Cursed Castle is the first book in The Adventurers Series: exciting adventure stories for children aged 8-12.Chosen by young readers as the Gold Award winner of the 2019 Wishing Shelf Book Awards for ages 9-12.Winner of the 2020 Children's Selfies Award.A mysterious curse has stricken Kexley Castle for generations ever since Egyptian treasure was transported to Cornwall by a 19th Century explorer. Can four young adventurers reveal the secrets that have been hidden for over a hundred years?Join Lara, Rufus, Tom and Barney in their first exciting adventure together as they unravel the mystery and race to find Captain Jack Kexley’s hiding place. To succeed, they must discover and solve a series of clues left by their ancestor, ahead of two unwelcome visitors from the British Museum who are determined to get there first!
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Hatt, Jemma
A father's legacy, a chase across Egypt and a mystery buried for thousands of years...... Lara, Rufus, Tom and Barney are back, in their second exciting adventure together. With the help of friends old and new, can they navigate their way through the ancient wonders of Egypt to unearth one of the greatest treasure troves in history?
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