4 Llibres trobats

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

En plena dècada dels anys 20, Nick Carraway es muda a West Egg per treballar. Allà coneix en Gatsby, el seu veí, famós per les seves espectaculars festes, a les quals assisteixen tota classe de persones famoses. Però no tot és tan bonic com sembla... Qui és en Gatsby, realment? I què el va portar a viure allà?El gran Gatsby és una història que et farà reflexionar sobre l’amor, la fama, la soledat i el comportament humà.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Generally considered to be F. Scott Fitzgerald's finest novel, The Great Gatsby is a consummate summary of the ''roaring twenties'', and a devastating expose of the ‘Jazz Age’. Through the narration of Nick Carraway, the reader is taken into the superficially glittering world of the mansions which lined the Long Island shore in the 1920s, to encounter Nick's cousin Daisy, her brash but wealthy husband Tom Buchanan, Jay Gatsby and the mystery that surrounds him. The Great Gatsby is an undisputed classic of American literature from the period following the First World War and is one of the great novels of the twentieth century.
12,75€ 12,11€
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Fitzgerald, F. Scott

A beautiful new edition of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel The Great Gatsby to coincide with the release of Baz Luhrmann's film. 'There was music from my neighbour's house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.' Everybody who is anybody is seen at the glittering parties held in millionaire Jay Gatsby's mansion in West Egg, east of New York.
7,75€ 7,36€
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Fitzgerald, F. Scott

14,45€ 13,73€
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