3 Llibres trobats

Washington, Bryan

'Una obra mestra.'' -NPR ''No hi ha cap novel·la aquest any que capturi amb tanta precisió la diversitat nordamericana.'' -The Washington Post En Benson i en Mike viuen junts a Houston, en Mike és xef, especialitzat en cuina nipona-americana, i treballa en un restaurant mexicà, en Benson és negre i fa de professor. Fa anys que són parella però es troben en un punt d'impàs. S'entenen molt bé al llit, en Mike cuina delícies per a en Benson i s'estimen, però ara en Mike ha sabut que el seu pare, a qui fa molts anys que no veu, s'està morint a Osaka i decideix marxar a l'altra punta del món per acomiadar-se'n, justament quan la seva mare, Mitsuko, arriba a Texas per instal·lar-se a casa d'ells unes setmanes. Al Japó, en Mike descobreix la veritat sobre la seva família i el seu passat i comença una transformació personal extraordinària, mentre que, a casa, amb la mare d'en Mike i sense la seva empenta vital, en Benson comença a sortir de la seva closca i s'adona que potser sí que sap què vol, a la vida. Memorial és una novel·la plena d'humor i profunditat sobre la família en tots els seus formats, la vulnerabilitat que brinden els lligams sentimentals i el poder i limitacions de l'amor.
20,90€ 19,85€
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Washington, Bryan

Una novela hermosa y sutil sobre el amor, la familia, la raza, la sexualidad, las heridas mal cerradas, las segundas oportunidades, el perdón, la enfermedad y la búsqueda de la felicidad. Una novela que seduce y atrapa por la fuerza humana de sus personajes, por sus pinceladas de humor y por la ambición con la que afronta temas de gran calado emocional.
20,90€ 19,85€
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Washington, Bryan

From the bestselling author of Memorial, a novel that will 'break your heart twice over, with sadness, sure, but more unexpectedly, with joy.' Rumaan AlamGrowing up , TJ was Cam's boy next door. When Cam needed a home, TJ's parents - Mae and Jin - took him in. Their family bakery became Cam's safe place. Until he left, and it wasn't anymore.Years later, Cam's world is falling apart. The love of his life, Kai, is gone: but his ghost keeps haunting Cam, and won't let go. And Cam's not sure he wants to let go, not sure he's ready. When he has a chance to return to his home town, to work in a gay bar clinging on in a changing city landscape, he takes it. Back in the same place as TJ, they circle each other warily, their banter electric with an undercurrent of betrayal, drawn together despite past and current drama. Family is family. But TJ is no longer the same person Cam left behind, he's had his own struggles. The quiet, low-key, queer kid, the one who stayed home, TJ's not sure how to navigate Cam - utterly cool, completely devastated and self-destructing - crashing back into his world.When things said - or left unsaid - become so insurmountable that they devour us from within, hope and sustenance and friendship can come from the most unlikely source. Nourishment has many forms: eating croissants, sitting together at a table with bowls of curry, sharing history, confronting demons, growing flowers, showing up. This is a story about how the people who know us the longest can hurt us the most, but how they also set the standard for love, and by their necessary presence, create a family.
14,75€ 14,01€
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