1 Llibres trobats

Meslet, Francis

For fifteen years, Francis Meslet explored urban landscapes as a photographer of the poetry of ruins. Drawing on this experience, with the aid of artificial intelligence, he now takes us on a journey to discover an abandoned world in a not-so-distant future. Nature relentlessly reclaiming Europe’s largest deserted libraries, the open-air ruins of the most beautiful theatres, vast industrial remains frozen in time, Paris under the threat of missiles and the ashes of Notre Dame Cathedral which has succumbed to the flames…Meslet’s work is much more than merely imaginary iconographic documentation. It is an attempt to reconcile the future and the past, a meditation on the fragility of collective memory. As a hunter of ephemeral moments, his generative art images reveal the duality of time, the coexistence of decay and splendour. With his keen eye, he has taken on the guise of a poet of decrepitude, capturing the soul of neglect, turning each image into a silent cry in the desert of contemporary indifference.
39,95€ 37,95€
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