3 Llibres trobats

Suárez, Laura

Hi havia una vegada una nena. Hi havia una vegada una guineu. Un dia es van conèixer. Van passar dies juntes. Van passar setmanes juntes. I, un dia, alguna cosa va canviar.
15,95€ 15,15€
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Suárez, Laura

Meet Frederick: taught by his maker that monsters don’t cry or read OR sniff flowers, he is taken round the country, demonstrating his might and monstrous nature. But, when Frederick realises there might be more to life than terrorising, he takes to the mountains to escape. But now his maker has come looking and Frederick must face up to his past, be brave and show everyone that monsters don’t always have to be monstrous.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Suárez, Laura

Recordando su Galicia natal y sus leyendas, inspiradas por la lluvia y la oscuridad, la autora cuenta cuatro relatos que pertenecena un mundo fantástico dónde lo paranormal choca contra el realismo de la preguerra.
18,00€ 17,10€
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