Libros de Narrativa y Novelas

¿Buscas una buena lectura con la que entretenerte? ¿Tienes que hacer un regalo especial a alguien a quien le apasiona la lectura? En Abacus, tenemos una amplia y variada selección de literatura clásica y nueva. Descubre nuestro catálogo y compra las mejores novelas y best sellers en nuestra tienda de libros online.

El monestir de les ombres
Hoy -5% en Libros

Cabezas, Bea

Un crit ofegat de terror. Una novícia morta violentament penja d’una corda al pou del Monestir de Santa Maria de Pedralbes. La jove Alamanda guarda gelosament una carta que amaga un secret decisiu per al futur de Catalunya. Són els anys següents a la Revolta dels Segadors i els nobles i burgesos pateixen les conseqüències econòmiques de la guerra contra Castella. Què explica aquesta carta de la qual depèn el poble català? El monestir de Pedralbes i la Barcelona del segle XVII són l’escenari d'El monestir de les ombres, una història d’intriga i amor com no l’havíem vist mai abans.
21,95€ 20,85€
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Submarine commander pocket manual 1939 -45
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13,45€ 12,78€
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A tale of two cities
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15,00€ 14,25€
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Sketches of young ladies young gentlemen and youn
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When the publishers of the Pickwick Papers, Chapman & Hall, brought out the anonymous Sketches of Young Ladies in 1837, their resounding success prompted the twenty-six-year old Dickens to write, the following year, a companion piece, the Sketches of Young Gentlemen, followed two years later - to coincide with the engagement of Princess Victoria and Prince Albert - by the Sketches of Young Couples. First published in a single volume in 1843, and including the iconic original engravings by Phiz, these satirical portraits not only reveal the dazzling brilliance of young Dickens's genius, but also offer a humorous glimpse into Victorian mores and attitudes.Alma Classics is committed to make available the widest range of literature from around the globe. All the titles are provided with an extensive critical apparatus, extra reading material including a section of photographs and notes. The texts are based on the most authoritative edition (or collated from the most authoritative editions or manuscripts) and edited using a fresh, intelligent editorial approach. With an emphasis on the production, editorial and typographical values of a book, Alma Classics aspires to revitalize the whole experience of reading the classics.
11,95€ 11,35€
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Escribir para salvar una vida
Hoy -5% en Libros

Wideman, John Edgar

Emmett Till, un chico negro de 14 años, tomó un tren en 1955 desde su hogar en Chicago para visitar a su familia en Money, Mississippi. Unas semanas más tarde su cuerpo sin vida regresaba a casa, asesinado por el color de su piel y, supuestamente, por haber silbado a una mujer blanca. Dos hombres blancos fueron juzgados y absueltos. El asesinato de Emmett Till y la negativa de su madre a permitir que su historia fuera olvidada convirtieron a este joven en un símbolo de las luchas por los derechos civiles en EE. UU. pero, rara vez, se menciona un giro oscuro y significativo en la leyenda de Till: Louis Till, el padre de Emmett, soldado durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y ejecutado por el ejército estadounidense en Italia por violación y asesinato. En 1955, Emmett Till y John Edgar Wideman tenían ambos catorce años. Wideman vio una horrible fotografía de la cara maltratada de Emmett muerto y décadas más tarde, al descubrir que Louis Till había sido sometido a un consejo de guerra y ahorcado, se vio obligado a investigar los destinos trágicamente entrelazados de padre e hijo. Wideman, uno de los grandes escritores de la herencia y memoria histórica afroamericana en Estados Unidos, ganador dos veces del premio Pen Faulkner entre otros, amalgamando la biografía, la ficción y la autobiografía, investiga los trágicos destinos de Emmett Till y su padre, dos muertes separadas en el tiempo pero marcadas por el mismo crimen: ser afroamericano. Este es un escrito esencial sobre el racismo.
22,50€ 21,37€
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Murray and Bun
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Stower, Adam

ADVENTURE LIES BEYOND THE CAT FLAP!Meet your favourite new duo: MURRAY AND BUN!Murray is a cat. Murray loves snoozing, fluffy blankets, and peace and quiet.Bun is a bun. Bun loves… EVERYTHING!And together they are unstoppable!SOMETIMES Murray’s enchanted cat flap leads to the garden… but mostly it leads to ADVENTURE!And when Murray and Bun travel through the cat flap and find themselves in a land of VIKINGS, they are given a VERY IMPORTANT MISSION: to travel to TROLL ISLAND and rescue Eggrik the Viking… if he hasn’t already been gobbled up by the trolls, that is.Perfect for newly independent readers and fans of Bunny vs Monkey, Dog Man, Adventure Mice and Claude, this funny, exciting, and hugely loveable story – brilliantly illustrated throughout – will delight adventure-lovers young and old. After all, heroes come in all shapes and sizes!
9,50€ 9,02€
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La bestia humana
Hoy -5% en Libros

Zola, Émile

Jacques Lantier, solitario y misógino ingeniero de locomotoras, se enamora de Sévérine, la mujer del jefe de estación Roubaud. Este crudo relato de asesinato, pasión y posesión, es la novela número diecisiete de las 20 publicadas por Émile Zola con el título genérico Les Rougon-Macquart.Zola desgrana un crudo retrato de la condición humana, un estudio compasivo de cómo los individuos pueden llegar a descarrilar por fuerzas atávicas más allá de su control. La obra evoca poderosamente el final del Segundo Imperio en Francia, donde la sociedad parecía lanzarse hacia el futuro como las nuevas locomotoras y ferrocarriles que construía. Zola nos recuerda que bajo la chapa del progreso tecnológico permanece siempre la bestia que llevamos dentro. La novela ha sido llevada al cine por directores de la talla de Jean Renoir o Fritz Lang.
19,00€ 18,05€
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Sense and sensibility
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13,95€ 13,25€
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Complete novels of jane austen
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21,20€ 20,14€
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Sense & sensibility
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Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen Young women who have no economic or political power must attend to the serious business of contriving material security'. Jane Austen's sardonic humour lays bare the stratagems, the hypocrisy and the poignancy inherent in the struggle of two very different sisters to achieve respectability. Sense and Sensibility is a delightful comedy of manners in which the sisters Elinor and Marianne represent these two qualities. Elinor's character is one of Augustan detachment, while Marianne, a fervent disciple of the Romantic Age, learns to curb her passionate nature in the interests of survival.
5,75€ 5,46€
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Los diarios de Adán y Eva
Hoy -5% en Libros

Twain, Mark

Sin perder un ápice de su habitual ingenio y su encanto particular, Mark Twain nos presenta en este breve relato cómico los avatares y problemas que generan la vida en pareja y la convivencia, no siempre fácil, aunque sea en el Paraíso. A través de los relatos paralelos de los padres de la humanidad, y con un texto que combina en igual medida diversión y profundidad, primero Adán y luego Eva nos hacen partícipes de unas cuitas que, a decir verdad, no son muy distintas de las de cualquier relación de nuestro tiempo. Un clásico de culto donde el ingenio y el humor, salpicados de momentos de profunda melancolía, alcanzan cotas de ironía y mordacidad insospechadas.
17,95€ 17,05€
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Buenos presagios. Ilustrado por Paul Kidby
Hoy -5% en Libros

Pratchett, Terry

Una novela imprescindible de Pratchett y Gaiman.Según Las Buenas y Acertadas profecías de Agnes la Chalada Bruja (el único libro fiable de profecías, escrito en 1655, antes de que ella explotara), el fin del mundo tendrá lugar el sábado. El próximo sábado, para ser exactos. Justo antes de la hora de la cena. Los ejércitos del Bien y del Mal se están agrupando, la Atlántida está resurgiendo, llueven sapos y los ánimos  están algo alterados así que... todo parece ajustarte al Plan Divino. De no ser por un ángel quisquilloso y un demonio buscavidas que han vivido a costa de los mortales desde el comienzo de los tiempos y que no están dispuestos a aceptar tan fácilmente eso del ''Fin de la civilización tal y como la conocemos'' . Y... ¡vaya por Dios! ¡Parece que alguien ha hecho desaparecer al Anticristo!
30,00€ 28,50€
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Obsessió i altres contes
Hoy -5% en Libros


Al nen li agraden molt els trens des de ben petit, potser pel fet de viure arran de l'estació, amb les vies com a horitzó del poble. La mare, però, no acaba d'estar convençuda de tanta dèria pels trens, i s'esforça per posar-hi remei, malgrat que hi cap l
11,50€ 10,92€
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City of dreams
Hoy -5% en Libros

Winslow, Don

17,50€ 16,62€
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The tiger in the smoke
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Allingham, Margery

An impenetrable fog has descended on the streets of post-war London and, lurking in the shadows, a violent murderer is on the rampage. Gentleman detective, Albert Campion, is on the trail of a mysterious man posing as the dead husband of a war widow with a wealthy new fiancé, but his expedition into the city's criminal underworld reveals something far more sinister than blackmail...
13,95€ 13,25€
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Sweet danger
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Allingham, Margery

Aristocratic detective Albert Campion is called upon by the British government to establish ownership of the tiny, oil-rich principality of Averna on the Adriatic Coast. The titled but impoverished Fitton family lay claim to it, but the deeds are nowhere to be found. With the help of his loyal chums and sidekick, retired cat burglar Magersfontein Lugg, Campion must pit his wits against a criminal financier and his heavies in order to unearth the truth.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Ricochet 2 (addicted)
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Ritchie, Becca

16,00€ 15,20€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

James, E. L.

12,15€ 11,54€
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Beijing dk eyewitness top 10 travel guides
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A city of sublime contrasts, Beijing has ancient temples, winding Hutongs and the Forbidden city, as well as edgy art districts, futuristic architecture and trendy restaurants - all within a stones-throw of the awe-inspiring Great Wall of China. Your DK Eyewitness Top 10 travel guide ensures you'll find your way around Beijing with absolute ease.Our newly updated Top 10 travel guide breaks down the best of Beijing into helpful lists of ten - from our own selected highlights to the best museums, places to eat, shops and festivals.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Budapest dk eyewitness
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Whether you want to dance the Blue Danube waltz by the Bakony mountains or indulge in some traditional goulash in one of Budapest's buzzing restaurants, this guide should prove useful. Included are 3D models and cutaways and top tips on the best spas in which to relax and revitalize.
20,75€ 19,71€
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Madeira. Marco Polo pocket guide
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Let Marco Polo Madeira guide you around this beautiful island. Explore Madeira with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the island's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget.
14,25€ 13,54€
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Greek myths: gods and goddesses
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Menzies, Jean

The stories of the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece are sprawling, dramatic and wonderfully strange, their lives intertwine with mortals and their behaviours fluctuate wildly from benevolent to violent, from didactic to fickle, from loving to enraged.
15,25€ 14,49€
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The cow book
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O'Connell, John

Farming has been in John Connell's family for generations, but he never intended to follow in his father's footsteps. Until, one winter, he finds himself back on the farm and begins to learn the ways of the farmer and the way of the cows.
15,50€ 14,72€
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Hollywood book club
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Rea, Steven

Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Gregory Peck, Rita Hayworth, Marilyn Monroe—the brightest stars of the silver screen couldn't resist curling up with a good book. This unique collection of rare photographs celebrates the joy of reading in classic film style. The Hollywood Book Club captures screen luminaries on set, in films, in playful promotional photos, or in their own homes and libraries with books from literary classics to thrillers, from biographies to children's books, reading with their kids, and more. Featuring nearly 60 enchanting images, lively captions about the stars and what they're reading by Hollywood photo archivist Steven Rea, and a glamorous stamped case design, here's a real page-turner for booklovers and cinephiles.
17,95€ 17,05€
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Around the world in 60 seconds
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Yassin, Nasir

60 seconds.That’s how long it takes to dispel stereotypes in Mexico. Throw a house party for strangers in Israel. Change perspectives in Nebraska. Make friends in Japan. And connect millions of people all over the world.In 2016, Nuseir Yassin quit his job to travel for 1,000 consecutive days. But instead of the usual tourist traps, Nas set out to meet real people, see the places they call home, and discover what unites all of us living on this beautiful planet—from villages in Africa and slums in India, to the high-rises of Singapore and the deserts of Australia. While he journeyed from country to country, Nas uploaded a single 60-second video per day for his Nas Daily Facebook following to highlight the amazing, terrifying, inspiring and downright surprising sh*t happening all over the world. Thirteen million followers later, Nas Daily has become the most immersive travel experience ever captured, and finally shows us what we’ve all been looking for: each other.AROUND THE WORLD IN 60 SECONDS is Nas’ surprising, moving, and totally unpredictable 1,000-day world tour in book form. At times a striking portrait of the most uncharted places in the world, at others a touching exploration of the human heart, this collection of life-affirming stories and breathtaking photographs changes how we think about humanity and invites us all on a journey to see the world, and each other, anew.
36,95€ 35,10€
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Green dot
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Gray, Madeleine

An irresistible and messy love story about the terrible allure of wanting something that promises nothingAt 24, Hera is a clump of unmet potential. To her, the future is nothing but an exhausting thought exercise, one depressing hypothetical after another. She’s sharp in more ways than one, adrift in her own smug malaise, until her new job moderating the comments section of an online news outlet—a role even more mind-numbing than it sounds—introduces her to Arthur, a middle-aged journalist. Though she's preferred women to men for years now, she soon finds herself falling into an all-consuming affair with him. She is coming apart with want and loving every second of it! Well, except for the tiny hiccup of Arthur’s wife—and that said wife has no idea Hera exists.With its daringly specific and intimate voice, Green Dot is a darkly hilarious and deeply felt examination of the joys and indignities of coming into adulthood against the pitfalls of the twenty-first century and the winding, tortuous, and often very funny journey we take in deciding who we are and who we want to be.
18,75€ 17,81€
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The history of a difficult child
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Sibhat, Mirhet

An exhilarating, tragicomic debut novel about the indomitable child of a scorned, formerly land-owning family who must grow up in the wake of Ethiopia’s socialist revolution Wisecracking, inquisitive, and bombastic, Selam Asmelash is the youngest child in her large, boisterous family. Even before she is born, she has a wry, bewitching omniscience that animates life in her Small Town in southwestern Ethiopia in the 1980s. Selam and her father listen to the radio in secret as the socialist military junta that recently overthrew the government seizes properties and wages civil war in the North. The Asmelashes, once an enterprising, land-owning family, are ostracized under the new regime. In the Small Town where they live, nosy women convene around coffee ceremonies multiple times a day, the gossip spreading like wildfire. As Selam’s mother, the powerful and relentlessly dignified Degitu, grows ill, she embraces a persecuted, Pentecostal God and insists her family convert alongside her. The Asmelashes stand solidly in opposition to the times, and Selam grows up seeking revenge on despotic comrades, neighborhood bullies, and a ruthless God. Wise beyond her years yet thoroughly naive, she contends with an inner fury, a profound sadness, and a throbbing, unstoppable pursuit of education, freedom, and love. Told through the perspective of its charming and irresistible narrator, The History of a Difficult Child is about what happens when mother, God, and country are at odds, and how one difficult child finds her voice.
17,75€ 16,86€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Strang, E.M.

A piercingly original debut about the limits of forgiveness, from an award-winning Scottish poet* A New Statesman Most Anticipated Title for 2023 *From an award-winning Scottish poet, an unforgettable novel about memory and radical forgivenessHow far would you go to overcome the limits of your own forgiveness?Quinn is serving a life sentence for a crime he's convinced he hasn't committed. Surely the authorities have got it wrong, and when they find his childhood sweetheart, Andrea, his name will be cleared. His parole date is drawing near when he receives an unexpected letter from Andrea's mother, who invites Quinn to share her home.It soon becomes clear that what appears to be a genuine act of forgiveness is influenced by more complex motivations. As the duo navigate the thorny terrain of guilt, justice and mutual need that underpins their relationship, the story of Quinn's past is gradually revealed, setting in motion a final reckoning.Em Strang's first novel is a hypnotic rendering of an unravelling mind and a visceral story about the very limits of forgiveness.
13,25€ 12,59€
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The ecology book (big ideas)
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Explore ecology in this accessible introduction to how the natural world works and how we have started to understand the environment, ecosystems, and climate change. Using a bold, graphic-led approach, The Ecology Book explores and explains over 85 of the key ideas, movements, and acts that have defined ecology and ecological thought. The book has a simple chronological structure, with early chapters ranging from the ideas of classical thinkers through to attempts by Enlightenment thinkers to systematically order the natural world.
26,15€ 24,84€
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Shrines of gaiety
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Atkinson, Kate

1926, and in a country still recovering from the Great War, London has become the focus for a delirious new nightlife. In the clubs of Soho, peers of the realm rub shoulders with starlets, foreign dignitaries with gangsters, and girls sell dances for a shilling a time.The notorious queen of this glittering world is Nellie Coker, ruthless but also ambitious to advance her six children, including the enigmatic eldest, Niven, whose character has been forged in the crucible of the Somme. But success breeds enemies, and Nellie’s empire faces threats from without and within. For beneath the dazzle of Soho’s gaiety, there is a dark underbelly, a world in which it is all too easy to become lost.With her unique Dickensian flair, Kate Atkinson gives us a window in a vanished world. Slyly funny, brilliantly observant, and ingeniously plotted, Shrines of Gaiety showcases the myriad talents that have made Atkinson one of the most lauded writers of our time.
17,25€ 16,39€
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Traitors of rome (eagles of the empire 18)
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12,25€ 11,64€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Scarrow, Simon

12,50€ 11,87€
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The owl and the pussycat and other nonsense poetry
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Lear, Edward

New edition of one of Britain’s favourite poets.
12,25€ 11,64€
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Visions of earth
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Visions of Earth raises a curtain on the wonders of the world and thrills us with nature's opulence and humanity's splendor. Each image alone exposes a nugget of our planet's magnificence, the totality of the collection goes beyond our imagination. Turning the pages, viewers are struck by the richness of life on Earth. One photograph is more awe-inspiring than the next--chosen by veteran National Geographic Magazine photo editors to present what is visually incredible. The photographs are drawn from the popular ''Visions of Earth'' feature in the magazine, (rated #1 by readers), from our own storied Image Collection, and from renowned photographers throughout the world, many never-before published.Enthralling images fill the book in a gallery of stunning landscapes, fascinating people, amazing animals, and unexpected glimpses of the usual and unusual. Puffins' beaks signal breeding time in Norway and a speckled emperor moth in South Africa diverts predators with an illusion. An elephant takes a morning dip in India's Andaman Sea while Siamese crocodiles race in Thailand and surfers in Australia relish a perfect day. Monks in Bhutan run to dinner and a little girl in red stands out among white-robed women in an Indonesian mosque. Spanish youth decked in colorful, oversize papier-mâché heads celebrate a festival in Catalonia and a flower of flame blooms from a man's kerosene-filled mouth in a Sikh celebration in India.Around the globe, amazing moments are captured in time, from a spray of flash frozen petal fragments in California to a truck show of chrome-covered and gleaming neon rigs half the world away in Japan.
19,40€ 18,43€
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Poems for happiness
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Poetry is the perfect medium to capture the elusive nature of happiness and this beautiful anthology explores happiness in all its forms – whether it be a fleeting moment, the promise of freedom and adventure, surviving adversity or the comfort of nature.
15,50€ 14,72€
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30-Second Physics: The 50 most fundamental concepts in physics, each explained in half a minute
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Clegg, Brian

From electromagnetic waves that enable us to connect in an instant to the gravity that keeps our feet firmly on the ground, this book is the fastest way to get up to speed with rocket science--and the rest. In a world where physics is an everyday essential and new quantum developments make headline news, you need to know your atoms from your antimatter, learn just enough to speak with fluidity about Fluid Dynamics and be certain about the Uncertainty Principle. Each idea, no matter how complex, is explained in just two pages, 300 words, and one picture, making this the quickest way to understand gravity, light, energy and more. This is 50 key concepts and complexities, each explained without the jargon. The bestselling 30-Second series offers a new approach to learning about those subjects you feel you should really understand. Every title takes a popular topic and dissects it into the 50 most significant ideas at its heart,explained in just two pages that are easily digested in only half a minute.
16,05€ 15,25€
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En nuestro catálogo de novelas online encontrarás la mejor literatura clásica de todos los tiempos, como por ejemplo, la Divina Comedia de Dante, la Metamorfosis de Ovidio, La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas, La Ilíada y La Odisea de Homero, entre otros, así como una selección de lo último en novelas nuevas, en la que se encuentran títulos como La chica de nieve, Reina roja, Sakura, El pintor de almas, La chica del tren, El día que se perdió el amor, Largo pétalo de mar y muchas más.

¿Buscas un escritor en particular? Estos son solo algunos de los autores nacionales e internacionales de los que disponemos novelas: Javier Castillo, Juan Gómez-Jurado, Almudena Grandes, Dolores Redondo, Ildefonso Falcones, Santiago Posteguillo, Sarah Lark, Elísabet Benavent, Matilde Asensi, Paula Hawkins, Isabel Allende, etc.

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