Géneros Literarios

La Llave De Blake
Hoy -5% en Libros

Andrés Belenguer, Sandra

12 de agosto de 1827, Londres. Un cuadro. Una obra dearte cuyo creador seobstina en concluir frenéticamente en la penumbra de su habitación. De repente algo se mueve en las sombras y una intensa oscuridad lo invade todo. Aquellasería la última creación de WilliamBlake.En la actualidad, Rachel es una joven con una gran inteligencia a la que desdepequeña sus padres hanenseñado a buscar y descifrar los tesoros ocultos enel arte:pequeños mensajes y enigmas que no son visibles para la mayoría de las personas.Junto a su amigoAndreu, Rachel tiene un programa de radio en internetdondehablan de cosas paranormales, del más allá y deexperiencias que les han pasado alos oyentes. Será en una de esas sesiones cuando recibe un mensaje que la dejarápetrificada.
17,90€ 17,00€
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Foc verd
Hoy -5% en Libros

Manuel, Jordi de

En plena canícula estival, un agent a les ordres del solitari inspector Marc Sergiot rep un tret durant un atracament al barri de la Sagrada Família. L’inspector se sent responsable i, amb el pretext d’escapar de la calor sufocant de Barcelona, decideix acceptar la invitació del seu col·lega de la comissaria Xulio Coirós d’anar a passar dues setmanes de vacances a una petita aldea a pocs quilòmetres de A Coruña. Marc Sergiot emprèn un viatge a les encisadores terres gallegues amb el seu vell i atrotinat quatre llaunes. Un trajecte que, a més de ser un recorregut antropològic i geogràfic per Galícia, és un viatge interior que transita per diferents racons de la seva vida. Només d’arribar-hi, l’inspector Coirós li parla d’una mort succeïda en un riu vint-i-tres anys enrere. Poc després, apareix un cadàver carbonitzat en un incendi forestal. Aquests dos esdeveniments, tan separats en el temps i aparentment inconnexes, pertorbaran les seves vacances. Foc verd és el vuitè lliurament de la saga de novel·les protagonitzades per l’inspector Marc Sergiot. En aquesta nova obra, Jordi de Manuel aconsegueix, un cop més, endinsar-nos i fer-nos participar en un món ben identificatiu i particular que explora les pulsions més tenebroses de la naturalesa humana.
16,00€ 15,20€
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How to sell a haunted house
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Hendrix, Grady

A fast-paced, thrilling horror novel with heartfelt themes from the brilliant New York Times bestselling author of The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires and The Final Girl Support Group.Every childhood home is haunted, and each of us are possessed by our parents.When their parents are both killed in a car accident, Louise and Mark Joyner are devastated but nothing can prepare them for how bad things are about to get. The two siblings are almost totally estranged, and couldn’t be more different. Now, however, both with equally empty bank accounts, they don’t have a choice but to get along. Their one asset? Their childhood home. They need to get it on the market as soon as possible because they need the money. Yet the house has morphed into a hoarder’s paradise, and before they died their parents nailed shut the attic door…Sometimes we feel like puppets, controlled by our upbringing and our genes. Sometimes we feel like our parents treat us like toys, or playthings, or even dolls. The past can ground us, teach us, and keep us safe. It can also trap us, and bind us, and suffocate the life out of us. As disturbing events stack up in the house, Louise and Mark have to learn that sometimes the only way to break away from the past, sometimes the only way to sell a haunted house, is to burn it all down.
15,95€ 15,15€
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The end of the game
Hoy -5% en Libros

Watt, Holly

Only a journalist goes where even the police fear to tread...Casey Benedict is the globe-trotting star reporter at London paper, The Post, is tenacious, fearless, inventive - and still in recovery after her last major story jeopardised her life, and all those close to her.Invited to spend a day at the races, she sees a man being hunted across the racecourse. A horrified Casey intervenes to save his life - and in doing so finds herself face to face with her next major investigation.From London to Budapest, from snowy mountain retreats to glitzy Mediterranean coastal resorts, Casey is on a desperate hunt to find the person behind the shadowy organisations responsible and expose them to the public before anyone else's lives are lost.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Leopard's hunt
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Feehan, Christine

The next exhilarating Leopard novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan. Series Overview: Christine Feehan's #1 New York Times bestselling series of male and female feline shape-shifters navigating an unpredictable contemporary world of extreme action and passionate romance.
11,75€ 11,16€
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Payback in death: an Eve Dallas thriller
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Robb, J.D.

Lt. Eve Dallas is back and this time she's investigating the death of one of her own.When a retired police officer is found shot dead in his home, Eve and the team are called to the scene to investigate. The victim is Martin Greenleaf, former Captain of Internal Affairs. At first glance it looks like suicide but Eve thinks there could be more to this carefully laid scene than meets the eye.Captain Greenleaf put a lot of cops away during his forty-seven years in Internal Affairs. Did the weight of the job finally prove too much for him? Or could this be a case of payback in death...
14,75€ 14,01€
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Petit Paris
Hoy -5% en Libros

Navarro, Justo

París, marzo de 1943: Alemania e Italia están perdiendo la guerra. Después de la invasión angloamericana del norte de África y la rendición en Stalingrado delmariscal de campo Paulus, se respira la hecatombe militar nazi-fascista, el inminente desembarco de los aliados en Europa. Veinte años antes de resolver los crímenes sobre los que giraba Gran Granada, el comisario Polo se encuentra por accidente en París, temerosode no poder acabar nunca un viaje que solo iba a durar unos días. En tiempos de guerra no es raro que lo previsto como una excursión de setenta y dos horas sedilate meses, años o décadas, o se convierta en el exilio eterno. Y Polo se mueve en un pequeño París, Petit Paris, de gente peligrosa: abogados y periodistasque ejercen labores policiales en los servicios consulares de España, colaboradores de la Gestapo a la caza de republicanos españoles en fuga. Entre el personal de la escuadra española se han sucedido en menos deun mes tres muertes violentas, y en el centro aparece el posible suicidio del bello Matthias Bohle, un seductor de vida enigmática que con otro nombre había conquistado la Granada de 1940, incluyendo al irreductible comisario Polo, y que recaló en París tras robarcuatro kilos de oro a un industrial que quizá le encargó sacarlos clandestinamente de España.   Pronto Polo empezará a investigar su muerte, ayudado por colaboradores tan poco seguros como lo es todo en la ciudad: el abogado Palma, casi un doble de Polo rejuvenecido cuarenta años y con carnet de la Gestapo, que ha descubierto la fuente de la juventud en una mezcla degin, Dubonnet y anfetaminas, Alodia Dolz, heroína dela Cruzada nacional, agente de la Quinta Columna, quesobrevivió a tres años de temerarias actividades clandestinas en la Madrid roja: «Si entonces no la habían matado, ya no la matarían nunca.» El Petit Paris dePolo es negro puro, una ciudad de inquietante ambigüedad moral donde todos mienten y manipulan como únicomodo de sobrevivir. Una narración deslumbrante y magnética ?con homenajes a Simenon, Leo Malet y Modiano?que juega con los resortes de géneros como el policiaco y el de espías para llevarlos más allá.
17,90€ 17,00€
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Antologia del género negrocriminal
Hoy -5% en Libros


Todo ser humano lleva un demonio dentro. Algunos, dos. Sicarios,vengadores, policías, detectives, alguaciles, anarquistas,revolucionarios, resistentes, ladrones, asesinos, brokers, boxeadores,prostitutas, desamparados, desesperados, acosadores, camellos, curas,pederastas, mafiosos, dipsómanos, abortistas, buscavidas, perdedores,ovejas, quinquis y brujos corren por las páginas de esta antología en laque clásicos y veteranos de la vieja guardia de la novela negra comoAndreu Martín, Juan Madrid, Guillermo Orsi, Fernando Martínez Laínez,José Luis Caballero, José Luis Muñoz, Víctor Claudín, Mariano SánchezSoler y Alfons Cervera se ven las caras con autores emergentes comoSebastià Bennassar, José Javier Abasolo, Empar Fernández, Laura FalcóLara, Alberto Pasamontes, José Vaccaro, Paco Gómez Escribano, Ignaciodel Valle, Juan Bas, Jerónimo García Tomás, José María García Sánchez,Carlos Manzano, Carlos Augusto Casas, Angelique Pfitzner, J.D. Álvarez,Rafael Guerrero, Tomás Auchterlonie, Úna Fingal, Laura Gomara, LuisGutiérrez Maluenda, Antonio Parra y Pere Cardona, y otros que se subenal carro de un género cada día más pujante como Gema Bocardo, JulioHolgado, María Teresa Abedul, Carmen Baena Salamanca, Rosario MuñozMartín, Ainara-Maider del Olmo y Abedul, Antonio Castillo Olivares Reixay Gabriel Monte Vado.Todas las generaciones del género negro en castellano en un libro derelatos tan ameno como adictivo.Sed de mal es sed de buena literatura.
20,00€ 19,00€
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Pack Sherlock Holmes
Hoy -5% en Libros

Doyle, Arthur Conan

Dos de las mejores novelas de la serie de Sherlock Holmes con fantásticas ilustraciones de Fernando Vicente y Javier Olivares. Incluye una bolsa de tela impresa a mano en Soria.
63,95€ 60,75€
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El Borrot
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Abajo, Juliana

Borrot es un robot muy especial, que tiene la capacidad de hacer desaparecer todo lo que quiera. Es un don que tiene y que usará para ayudar a unos niños, eliminando todo aquello que les da miedo o les provoca dolor.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Thrawn: Alliances (Star Wars)
Hoy -5% en Libros

Zahn, Timothy

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Grand Admiral Thrawn and Darth Vader team up against a threat to the Empire in this thrilling novel from bestselling author Timothy Zahn.“I have sensed a disturbance in the Force.” Ominous words under any circumstances, but all the more so when uttered by Emperor Palpatine. On Batuu, at the edges of the Unknown Regions, a threat to the Empire is taking root—its existence little more than a glimmer, its consequences as yet unknowable. But it is troubling enough to the Imperial leader to warrant investigation by his most powerful ruthless enforcer Lord Darth Vader and brilliant strategist Grand Admiral Thrawn. Fierce rivals for the emperor’s favor, and outspoken adversaries on Imperial affairs—including the Death Star project—the formidable pair seem unlikely partners for such a crucial mission. But the Emperor knows it’s not the first time Vader and Thrawn have joined forces. And there’s more behind his royal command than either man suspects.In what seems like a lifetime ago, General Anakin Skywalker of the Galactic Republic, and Commander Mitth’raw’nuruodo, officer of the Chiss Ascendancy, crossed paths for the first time. One on a desperate personal quest, the other with motives unknown . . . and undisclosed. But facing a gauntlet of dangers on a far-flung world, they forged an uneasy alliance—neither remotely aware of what their futures held in store.Now, thrust together once more, they find themselves bound again for the planet where they once fought side by side. There they will be doubly challenged—by a test of their allegiance to the Empire . . . and an enemy that threatens even their combined might.
17,75€ 16,86€
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The inmate
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Fitzek, Sebastian

Bestselling author Sebastian Fitzek sends you on an ingeniously disturbing journey with his brand new psychological thriller.A missing child. A desperate father. A terrible secret.Guido T has already confessed to two horrific child murders and led Berlin police to the bodies. The police are sure he is also the murderer of six-year-old Max, who disappeared without a trace a year ago.But now the killer is staying silent. The investigators have no reliable evidence, so Max's parents have no certainty and are unable to say goodbye to their son.Everything changes when one investigator makes an unbelievable offer: he can place Max's father, as a fake patient, inside the maximum security psychiatric hospital where Guido T is imprisoned.Max's father agrees. He plans to force the child killer into a confession. Because nothing is worse than uncertainty.Or so he thinks...
15,95€ 15,15€
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The gaunlet and the broken chain
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Green, Ian

For 312 years the rotstorm has blighted the ruins of the Ferron Empire.Born of an unholy war between gods themselves, it scours the land with acid mists and deadly lightning, spawning twisted monstrosities from its nightmarish depths.On the Stormwall, the men and women of the Stormguard maintain their vigil - eyes sharp, blades sharper - defending the Undal Protectorate from the worst of the rotstorm's corruption.But behind the storm front, something is stirring, kindling the embers of an ancient conflict and a plan to kill a god.Will Stormguard steel be enough to meet the coming tempest?
15,95€ 15,15€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Morena, Raquel de la

Yin Zheng es una joven curtida por años de ascética educación budista y estricto entrenamiento marcial enel remoto templo nepalí de Kapilavastu, donde deberádecidir su futuro escogiendo entre dos caminos. Peroun día el maestro Zhou abre ante ella la secreta y tenebrosa tercera senda... Una adolescente ha sido asesinada en un elitista liceo cercano a París. El crimenparece obra de los devas, unos demonios con aspectohumano que siembran en las personas pasiones negativas –como los celos o la ira– para después alimentarsede ellas. Yin se infiltrará en el internado, como unaalumna más, para averiguar cuál es la identidad de la siniestra criatura y evitar que mate a más estudiantes.
17,50€ 16,62€
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The murder after the night before
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Brent, Katy

Something bad happened last night. My best friend Posey is dead. The police think it was a tragic accident. I know she was murdered.I’ve woken up with the hangover from hell, a stranger in my bed, and I’ve gone viral for the worst reasons.There’s only one thing stopping me from dying of shame. I need to find a killer.But after last night, I can’t remember a thing…From the author of How to Kill Men and Get Away With It, don’t miss this wickedly witty and utterly addictive novel, perfect for fans of Bella Mackie, Dawn O’Porter and Killing Eve.
13,50€ 12,82€
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After that night
Hoy -5% en Libros

Slaughter, Karin

The No.1 Sunday Times bestseller! Watch Will Trent on Disney+! Sara doesn’t think about that night.About the attack.About the way it tore her world apart.About the man who did it, now safely behind bars.She thought that night was over. Until a new victim appears…And now a young woman’s life depends on Sara uncovering exactly what happened after that night…
13,50€ 12,82€
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Where the death waits
Hoy -5% en Libros

Wilke, Sally

The Terror meets Yellowjackets as a disgraced Arctic explorer sets out on a voyage to track down his former crewmate, only to be confronted by the ghosts of his cannibalistic past, from the Bram Stoker Award nominated author of All the White Spaces. Perfect for fans of Michelle Paver and Stephen Graham Jones.William Day should be an acclaimed Arctic explorer. But after a failed expedition to find the fabled Open Polar Sea, in which his men only survived by eating their comrades, he returned in disgrace. A cannibal. A murderer.Thirteen years later, his second-in-command, Jesse Stevens, has gone missing in the same waters. Perhaps this is Day’s chance to restore his tarnished reputation by bringing Stevens – the man who’s haunted his whole life – back home. But when the rescue mission into the frozen wastes becomes an uncanny journey into his own past, Day must face up to the things he’s done.Aboard ship, Day must also contend with unwanted passengers: a reporter obsessively digging up the truth about the first expedition, and Stevens’s wife, a spiritualist whose séances both fascinate and frighten. Following a trail of cryptic messages, gaunt bodies, and old bones, their search becomes more and more unnerving, as it becomes clear that – for Day – the restless dead are never far behind.
15,95€ 15,15€
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Francisco Umbral
Hoy -5% en Libros

Vallido López, Diego

Los comentarios, las reflexiones, las dudas de Diego Vadillo López aportan un enfoque nuevo sobra la prosa poética de Francisco Umbral: soplan unos nuevos aires frescos en torno a una escritura ya inmortal. Fino conocedor de las vanguardias artísticas de principios del siglo XX, Diego Vadillo López con El oferente de retales preciosos infunde unos dejes vanguardistas a una lectura umbralí propia del relevo generacional del siglo XXI.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Llegat mortal
Hoy -5% en Libros

Higgins Clark, Mary

La periodista Delaney Wright està a punt de fer el salt a la fama quan li encarreguen cobrirper a les notícies de la televisió el judici d&#x02019 una dona acusada d&#x02019 assassinar el seu ric marit,un conegut metge malalt d&#x02019 Alzh
20,50€ 19,47€
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The Price You Pay
Hoy -5% en Libros

Petrie, Nick

When Peter Ash receives a phone call at four a.m., it's the start of a dangerous whirlwind that leads him into the criminal underworld.Lewis has a criminal past that he's put behind him. He's also Peter Ash's closest friend, and he's helped Peter out many times. So when he calls unexpectedly, asking for help, Peter knows things are serious.An old criminal associate of Lewis's has gone missing from his home in upstate Wisconsin. There's blood on the snow, a burnt-out cabin - and a blizzard to contend with.As Peter and Lewis search for answers, they discover something else is missing: notebooks with evidence of Lewis's past crimes. Evidence that greatly interests some seriously dangerous criminals. killers who are willing to wipe out Lewis's family to get what they want.Soon, Peter is in a race against time to find that evidence - and stop the bloodshed before it's too late.The latest propulsive thriller in the award-winning series, perfect for fans of Lee Child and Jordan Harper.
15,95€ 15,15€
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Cuentos de escarnio
Hoy -5% en Libros

Hilst, Hilda

Farsa barroca y obscena en torno a un sátiro sexagenario, fanático de los placeres carnales en todas sus disciplinas y modalidades. Al hilo de sus confesionesiremos conociendo a sus mujeres y sus camaradas, unajovial cofradía de pícaros para los que la búsqueda del placer es la más alegre de las fiestas y la más dichosa de las metafísicas.
17,50€ 16,62€
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Maybe Someday
Hoy -5% en Libros

Hoover, Colleen

From the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of It Ends With Us comes a passionate tale of friendship, betrayal, and romance.At twenty-two years old, Sydney is enjoying a great life: She’s in college, working a steady job, in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter, and rooming with her best friend, Tori. But everything changes when she discovers that Hunter is cheating on her—and she’s forced to decide what her next move should be.Soon, Sydney finds herself captivated by her mysterious and attractive neighbour, Ridge. She can't take her eyes off him or stop listening to the passionate way he plays his guitar every evening out on his balcony. And there’s something about Sydney that Ridge can’t ignore, either. They soon find themselves needing each other in more ways than one.
12,75€ 12,11€
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Resurrection Walk
Hoy -5% en Libros

Connelly, Michael

Defense attorney Mickey Haller is back, taking the long shot cases, where the chances of winning are one in a million. He agrees to represent a woman in prison for killing her husband, a sheriff's deputy. Despite her conviction four years earlier, she still maintains her innocence. Haller enlists his half brother, retired LAPD Detective Harry Bosch, as investigator. Reviewing the case, Bosch sees something that doesn't add up, and a sheriff's department intent on bringing a quick search for justice in the killing of one of its own.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Seibiel Seibiel, Amanda

Aura Montiel tiene veinticuatro años y una vida anodina y monótona en un pueblo perdido de todo donde no hay nada que… hacer. La relación con su madre es tirante, pues para ella Aura solo es una carga más en la casa: ni estudia, ni trabaja.…Su única distracción esir a visitar a sus amigas.
17,50€ 16,62€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Putney, Mary Jo

Primera entrega de la serie “Calaveras redimidos”. Una maravillosa y emotiva prosa, con una trama llena de detalles históricos y personajes inolvidables. De la autorasúper ventas del New York Times, llega una nueva serie con personajes carismáticos y
16,00€ 15,20€
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Els àngels em miren
Hoy -5% en Libros

Pastor, Marc

Dues noies joves sense aparent connexió són localitzades mortes en el que sembla un assassinat ritual: capiculades, amb la llengua arrencada i amb idèntic tatuatge a l’esquena. Unes ales petites al clatell. Els Mossos d'Esquadra, exhaustos enmig d’una situació política convulsa, engegaran una complicada investigació.Els pocs sospitosos que aconsegueixen identificar són també víctimes d’unes ànsies de revenja que semblenno tenir aturador. Marc Pastør torna a la novel·lanegra amb una obra urbana, elèctrica i addictiva quetrenca cànons i que ens presenta un protagonista poderós: el caporal Abraham Corvo. Mulat d’ascendència guineana, és perspicaç i intuïtiu i reuneix totes les qualitats que s'atribueixen a un bon detectiu… i alguna altra arma secreta: dins seu batega una pulsió obscura, una consciència antiga capaç de mirar directament als ulls del mal. La millor novel·la d’un dels grans escriptors de la narrativa catalana actual.
20,50€ 19,47€
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La sopa de l'aví
Hoy -5% en Libros

Satz, Mario

Un senzill plat de sopa conté gairebé tota la saviesa del món.Arriba l'esperada segona edició amb noves notes de l'autor i la recepta de la sopa. Una delicada faula que ens ensenya que no hi ha vis medica que superi l'amor i que ha inspirat molta gent.
15,95€ 15,15€
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To kill  a mockingbird
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Lee, Harper

«Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.» A lawyer's advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird of Harper Lee's classic novel - a black man falsely charged with the rape of a white girl. Through the young eyes of Scout and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores with exuberant humour the irrationality of adult attitudes to race and class in the Deep South of the 1930s. The conscience of a town steeped in prejudice, violence and hypocrisy is pricked by the stamina of one man's struggle for justice.But the weight of history will only tolerate so much. To Kill a Mockingbird is a coming-of-age story, an anti-racist novel, a historical drama of the Great Depression and a sublime example of the Southern writing tradition.
11,84€ 11,25€
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The messenger
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Megan, David

Rosamund Lupton meets Lupin in this accomplished debut from an eclectic, cut-throat new voice in thriller writing.Wealthy and privileged, Alex has an easy path to success in the Parisian elite. But he and his domineering father have never seen eye to eye. Desperate to escape the increasingly suffocating atmosphere of their apartment, Alex seeks freedom on the streets of Paris where his new-found friend Sami teaches him how to survive. But everything has a price - and one night of rebellion changes their lives forever.A simple plan to steal money takes a sinister turn when Alex's father is found dead. Despite protesting their innocence, both boys are imprisoned for murder. Seven years later Alex is released from prison with a single purpose: to discover who really killed his father. Yet as he searches for answers and atones for the sins of his past, Alex uncovers a disturbing truth with far-reaching consequences.In the heart of Paris, against a backdrop of corruption, fake news and civil unrest, The Messenger is a mind-racing new thriller that follows one son's journey to find redemption and expose the truth.
12,95€ 12,30€
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The Little Sparrow Murders
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Yokomizo, Seishi

An old friend of Kosuke Kindaichi's invites the scruffy detective to visit the remote mountain village of Onikobe in order to look into a twenty-year-old murder case. But no sooner has Kindaichi arrived than a new series of murders strikes the village - several bodies are discovered staged in bizarre poses, and it soon becomes clear that the victims are being killed using methods that match the lyrics of an old local children's song... The legendary sleuth investigates, but soon realises must unravel the dark and tangled history of the village, as well as that of its rival families, to get to the truth.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Mares nuevos
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Marañón López, Fernando

La primera etapa de la conquista de América, fiel a cuantos hechos se conocen de ella. Primera entrega de una ambiciosa trilogía, que permite viajar en el tiempo de la mano de grandes personajes llenos de encanto. Una obra con la que disfrutar la Historia, viviendo toda clase de aventuras, intrigas, descubrimientos, amores y desengaños, en busca de fama y fortuna. Bernal de Conil tiene apenas trece años cuando embarca en La Pinta. Corre el año 1492 y un tal Colón comandará la aventura de cruzar la Mar Océana. Al otro lado del mundo, un joven taíno llamado Cái sueña con los hombres ''de pelo en la cara'' que han de venir y ayudar a su pueblo frente a una tribu hostil. Con el encuentro de ambos mundos, dará comienzo una epopeya que cambiaría el curso de la Historia Universal. De regreso a la península, el de Conil se ve envuelto en la preparación de un segundo viaje. El todopoderoso archidiácono Rodríguez de Fonseca cuenta para cumplir sus propósitos con el escribano Bartolomé de Alcaudiel, su hermosa hija Catalina y el propio Bernal. Grandes personajes del periodo, desde Colón hasta Alonso de Ojeda, Caonabó, Ovando, Anacaona, Balboa, Pizarro o Cortés se suman a una galería de tipos inolvidable que irá cimentando el esplendor español en esta punta del reino. Bernal llegará a embarcar con su ahijado para la exploración de Tierra Firme, mientras su amigo taíno se convierte en un jefe guerrero cada vez más acorralado. En un permanente juego del escondite, sus destinos se cruzan sin tocarse, coincidiendo con personajes claves de la conquista. Ambos saben que están condenados a encontrarse tarde o temprano y solo un milagro puede evitar que se maten el uno al otro.
25,00€ 23,75€
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Beach Read
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Henry, Emily

A romance writer who no longer believes in love and a literary writer stuck in a rut engage in a summer-long challenge that may just upend everything they believe about happily ever afters.Augustus Everett is an acclaimed author of literary fiction. January Andrews writes bestselling romance. When she pens a happily ever after, he kills off his entire cast.They’re polar opposites.In fact, the only thing they have in common is that for the next three months, they're living in neighboring beach houses, broke, and bogged down with writer's block.Until, one hazy evening, one thing leads to another and they strike a deal designed to force them out of their creative ruts: Augustus will spend the summer writing something happy, and January will pen the next Great American Novel. She’ll take him on field trips worthy of any rom-com montage, and he’ll take her to interview surviving members of a backwoods death cult (obviously). Everyone will finish a book and no one will fall in love. Really.
12,95€ 12,30€
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See No Evil
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Fennell, David

Two men are found dead in London's Battersea Park. One of the bodies has been laid out like a crucifix - with his eyes removed and placed on his open palms.Detective Inspector Grace Archer and her caustic DS, Harry Quinn, lead the investigation. But when more bodies turn up in a similar fashion, they find themselves in a race against time to find the sadistic killer.The hunt leads them to Ladywell Playtower in Southeast London, the home to a religious commune lead by the enigmatic Aaron Cronin. Archer and Quinn suspect Cronin's involvement but his alibis are watertight, and the truth seemingly buried.If Archer is to find the killer, she must first battle her way through religious fanatics, London gangsters - and her own demons.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Meine liebe für dich
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Wie tief ist deine Liebe? Der 14. Band der romantischen Spiegel-Bestseller-Reihe Lost in Love - die Green Mountain-Serie von Marie Force.Isabella Coleman war nicht auf der Suche nach der Liebe - mit Cabot Lodge hat sie sie trotzdem gefunden. Doch Cabot hält Isabella auf Distanz. Zu groß ist der Schmerz und das Gefühl des Verrats, das er aus seiner ersten Ehe davongetragen hat. Dann gerät Isabella in einen schweren Unfall und Cabot will unbedingt bei ihr sein. Für sie da sein. Kann Isabella seinen Beteuerungen glauben? Fällt Cabot am Ende in seine alten Muster zurück oder könnte es wirklich der Start von etwas Besonderem sein?Ein berührendes Abenteuer für dein Herz: In der Kleinstadt Butler in Vermont findet jeder seine große Liebe.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Ahern, Cecelia

Sommersprossen - Nur zusammen ergeben wir Sinn: Roman | Das schönste Sommerbuch für Ihren Urlaub
15,95€ 15,15€
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Hölderlin. Una novela
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Härtling, Peter

No es este libro una biografía al uso, sino una novela cuyo protagonista no es otro que el personaje que le da título: Friedrich Hölderlin. Incapaz de adaptarse a una sociedad que «no estaba hecha para los poetas», Hölderlin fue víctima de su trágico destino. Deambuló de aquí para allá, casi siempre como preceptor de hijos de familias adineradas, torturándose y deslizándose hacia un declive físico y mental que le sumergiría en la desazón o en una depresiva melancolía que le mantuvo en la práctica alejado del mundo real, un mundo agitado por la irrupción de los valores democráticos que impulsaría, con todos sus defectos, la Revolución francesa. Un mundo al que sus amigos –Hegel, Schiller, Schelling entre ellos– no lograron que regresara, hasta acabar en los últimos años de su vida recluido en la casa de un carpintero de Tübingen, sumido en un extravío casi total que no le abandonaría hasta su muerte. En esta novela Härtling narra con cariñosa pasión la vida del genial poeta –esforzándose en adivinar su pensamiento y sus sentimientos–, los avatares de su amor por Suzanne Gontard, la Diotima de sus poemas y el lucido escepticismo con que contemplaba los acontecimientos de su siglo. Dotada de un estilo de vigor y belleza inusuales, esta conmovedora novela puede situarse entre las piezas mayores y más inolvidables de la literatura germana del pasado siglo. El autor: Peter Härtling (Chemnitz 1933-Rüsselsheim 2017) se inició en el periodismo, llegando a ser co-director de la revista 'Der Monat', cargo que abandonó para dirigir la editorial S. Fisher en Frankfurt hasta que decidió, en 1974, dedicarse exclusivamente a la escritura. Su obra, caracterizada por una gran diversidad de tonos, abarca casi todos los géneros literarios, desde la poesía hasta la literatura infantil.
24,00€ 22,80€
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