1 Libros encontrados

Almanado, Juan Antonio

Adivina adivinanza, aprender así no cansa / Riddle me this Learning like this will never be boring.En Divina Naturaleza encontramos emociones a raudales, que brotan de la propia esencia de nuestro planeta y de nuestro ineludible contacto con él, mediante una transmisión que se realiza como si de un juego se tratase, y a través de los ojos de un niño.No hay mejor manera de aproximarse a la naturaleza y a las especies que la habitan, para comprenderla y respetarla, que leer con detenimiento los «poemas-adivinanzas» repletos de frescura, humildad y belleza, contenidos en esta singular obra.In Divine Nature, emotions are to be found in abundance, flowing from our planet's very essence and from our unavoidable contact with it, through passages that make it seem as if it were a game. As if through the eyes of a child.There is no better way to approach nature and the species that inhabit it, so as to understand and respect it, than by carefully reading the 'riddle-poems', brimming with originality, humility, and beauty, contained in this unique publication.
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