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L'espasa i la llavor
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Nogués, Jordi

Amb uns personatges històrics que cobren vida amb força i determinació, L'espasa i la llavor reconstrueix un moment clau de la història catalana quan -després de la victòria l'any 1149 de Ramon Berenguer IV contra Al-Muzaffar a Lleida- es repoblen les terres entre l'Ebre i el Llobregat, conegudes com la Catalunya Nova. L'any 1150 dotze monjos de l'abadia de Fontfreda creuen els Pirineus cap a la Catalunya Nova. Amb ells viatgen el pare Esteve, un jove amb un cor i una ment inquietes, i en Gilabert, un cavaller desenganyat de la cruel guerra on han perdut la vida els seus companys. La missió que tenen és fundar un monestir al lloc conegut com a Hortus Populetum, però l'arribada dels religiosos del Cister provocarà un conflicte sagnant amb en Ramon i en Ponç de Cervera, ja que veuen perillar el seu poder absolut a la regió. Durant l'edificació pedra a pedra dels murs de Poblet, les històries entrecreuades d'en Gilabert, l'Esteve i la Gaia «la jove i ambiciosa filla del senyor de l'Espluga», embolicats en conspiracions i assassinats, submergeixen el lector en una època convulsa i fascinant. L'espasa i la llavor és una novel·la on es conjuguen el rigor històric i la voluntat de dotar els seus protagonistes d'uns ideals i d'unes ambicions que els fan molt humans.
20,90€ 19,85€
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Son Falconer
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Ensenyat Cabot, Macià

A Casimir de Fontsaura no li agraden els tornejos ni tampoc aprofitar-se de la gent pel fet de ser fill d’una família noble. Educat per mestres àrabs i musulmans, estudia a diversos monestirs fins que el seu oncle, senyor de Son Falconer, l’instrueix en el comerç mallorquí. Juntament amb l’esclau que salva de ser venut, viurà tota una sèrie d’aventures que el faran viatjar arreu amb una missió que li encomana el Papa.
14,00€ 13,30€
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Serra García, Rosaura

Novel·la ambientada al segle XV a Catalunya. El rei Joan II està enemistat amb el seu fill, el príncep de Viana, de qui coneixerem la seva atzarosa vida, marcada per uns drets al tron no reconeguts. Al seu voltant trobarem els personatges de la família Cervelló, lligats de diferents maneres als esdeveniments polítics del moment.Altres personatges venen a dibuixar la vida a la Barcelona de l’època, com la Francesca, una jove modista d’origen napolità que lluitarà per fer-se el seu propi negoci.L’acció ens traslladarà al monestir de Sixena, allà coneixerem la història de l’Elisabet de Cervelló, que decideix prendre els hàbits per un desengany amorós i que aviat descobrirà la duresa de la vida al convent, i com d’errada ha estat la seva decisió.
20,00€ 19,00€
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Historia fantástica de Europa
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Zorrilla, José A.

Toma la forma de una historia ''ad demostrandum'', escrita por un miembro del Consejo Imperial, el Mandaringrave de Talas, para salir al paso de la propaganda falaz de la Confederación de Estados Americanos, siempre encelados en guerras terribles, la última por dos pequeños condados, Nueva Alsacia y Nueva Lorena. La narrativa arranca con el Cid y Roland ganando la batalla de Roncesvalles y embarcándose en una Reconquista que devuelve España a la cristiandad en veinte años y termina en el Valle de la Fergana dónde los mandarines Marx y Engels, legalmente esposos, crean un sistema económico basado en los principios de la tradición ateniense. El relato cabalga sobre los grandes ciclos narrativos occidentales, Cid, Roland, Nibelungos, Crónica General del Rus ..
19,50€ 18,52€
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La luna sobre los molinos
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Hernández, Anna

Una cárcel con más secretos que presos. Asesinatos que van más allá de las víctimas. Una trama literaria al servicio de la traición. Sentimientos desbocados hacia la destrucción. Todo bajo el asombro de la luna en el cielo. Ni los molinos de viento podrían dar tantas vueltas a la vida al mismo tiempo. La luna sobre los molinos narra el cruce de historias siniestras. En Estocolmo, Elena Rius, una inspectora ida. En Gotemburgo, Nils Åkerman, un inspector resentido, y otro alguien que empieza a matar. En Barcelona, una suicida en potencia. Y en Skellefteå, Mykola Solonenko, un recluso llamado a ser mucho más. Los cinco destinos parecen estar bajo los efectos de un mal influjo. Y el de una figura que urde sus planes mientras plancha un uniforme, también. Nils y Elena intentan vencer al pasado investigando una serie de crímenes de españoles afincados en Suecia. Ese pasado venció a Mykola y lo encerró en una prisión sueca donde lo más importante no es cumplir condena. El presente se impone cuando estalla la guerra del gas en Europa. Operaciones de contrainteligencia, una escribiente y una sombra harán saltar por los aires los planes de cualquier futuro imaginable. Y es que, desde una realidad paralela, unos pocos manejan los hilos del devenir…
18,95€ 18,00€
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Germans de guerra
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Romeu Carol, Jordi

Tres amics, Pere Bargalló, Josep Mestre i Llorenç Esteve, miren des del portal de l’hostal de la Isabel com les tropes de Napoleó entren a Vilafranca del Penedès.Mentre observen el pas de l’exèrcit, no s’imaginen com aquest fet canviarà les seves vides. En Pere s’enrolarà al sometent per combatre els francesos, en Josep s’ocuparà del negoci del seu pare i en Llorenç haurà de marxar de Vilafranca per evitar la ira dels seus veïns. Durant tres anys de guerra, els tres amics fan vides separades per trobar-se de nou al final del setge a la ciutat de Tarragona. De nou junts, tornaran al seu poble de la infantesa, Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, per mirar de refer les seves vides. Però aquest retorn no serà fàcil, ja que afloraran antigues enveges i, sobretot, hauran d’escapar del grup de caragirats que volen matar-los.
24,50€ 23,27€
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A filha do reich
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Stucchi, Paulo

23,75€ 22,56€
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La metgessa ctara
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Morey, Pere

La metgessa càtara se situa en la guerra contra els càtars a Occitània. Aquest enfrontament va contraposar dues concepcions del món. D'un costat, la mediterrània, càlida i carnal. I de l'altre, la ferrenya austeritat dels pobles del nord. En aquest context, una remeiera càtara es troba xapada entre el deure envers el seu poble i l'atracció per un cavaller d'ulls verds que condueix els croats. La metgessa viu la poesia dels trobadors, la puresa dels càtars, l'honor de la guerra, la vitalitat del rei Pere... La nit abans de la batalla de Muret posa en pràctica un pla que podria haver canviat la història. Segona Edició
12,00€ 11,40€
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The warm hands of ghosts
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Arden, Katherine

January 1918. Laura Iven was a revered field nurse until she was wounded and discharged from the medical corps, leaving behind a brother still fighting in Flanders. Now home in Halifax, Canada, Laura receives word of Freddie’s death in combat, along with his personal effects—but something doesn’t make sense. Determined to uncover the truth, Laura returns to Belgium as a volunteer at a private hospital, where she soon hears whispers about haunted trenches and a strange hotelier whose wine gives soldiers the gift of oblivion. Could Freddie have escaped the battlefield, only to fall prey to something—or someone—else?November 1917. Freddie Iven awakens after an explosion to find himself trapped in an overturned pillbox with a wounded enemy soldier, a German by the name of Hans Winter. Against all odds, the two form an alliance and succeed in clawing their way out. Unable to bear the thought of returning to the killing fields, especially on opposite sides, they take refuge with a mysterious man who seems to have the power to make the hellscape of the trenches disappear.As shells rain down on Flanders and ghosts move among those yet living, Laura’s and Freddie’s deepest traumas are reawakened. Now they must decide whether their world is worth salvaging—or better left behind entirely.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Mr salary
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Rooney, Sally

Years ago, Sukie moved in with Nathan because her mother was dead and her father was difficult, and she had nowhere else to go. Now they are on the brink of the inevitable. Sally Rooney is one of the most acclaimed young talents of recent years. With her minute attention to the power dynamics in everyday speech, she builds up sexual tension and throws a deceptively low-key glance at love and death.
6,50€ 6,17€
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A sign of her own
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Marsh, Sarah

Ellen Lark is on the verge of marriage when she and her fiancé receive an unexpected visit from Alexander Graham Bell.While her fiancé is eager to make a potentially lucrative acquaintance, Ellen knows what Bell really wants from her. Ellen is deaf, and for a time was Bell's student in a technique called Visible Speech. As he instructed her in speaking, Bell also confided in her about his dream of producing a device which would transmit the human voice along a wire: the telephone. Now, on the cusp of wealth and renown, Bell wants Ellen to speak up in support of his claim to the patent to the telephone, which is being challenged by rivals.But Ellen has a different story to tell: that of how Bell betrayed her, and other deaf pupils, in pursuit of ambition and personal gain, and cut Ellen off from a community in which she had come to feel truly at home. It is a story no one around Ellen seems to want to hear - but there may never be a more important time for her to tell it.A Sign of Her Own offers a fascinating window onto a hidden moment in history, and a portrait of a young deaf woman's journey to find her place in the world, and her own authentic voice.
18,75€ 17,81€
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M son of the century
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Scurati, Antonio

The novel Italy has been waiting for. A masterpiece’ Roberto Saviano A startling look into the fascist mindset, a portrait of unrelenting determination, and an impeccable work of historical fiction. M tells the story of the rise of fascism from within the mind of its founder. A gripping and masterful exposé, it explores Benito Mussolini’s rise to power and a movement that, amidst a failing democracy, came to shape the world.
18,90€ 17,95€
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Instruccions per a l'ocupació de Catalunya
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Gomà, Enric

«Finestres encarna un cas singular d’exaltació patriòtica, devoció religiosa, deliris ideològics i trastorns gàstrics, entre d’altres. Feixista, pietós i regionalista, molts joves catalans com ell van combatre sota els dictats del general Franco. Però només Eudald Finestres va redactar aquestes improbables Instruccions per a l’ocupació de Catalunya.» Enric Gomà «Amb Instruccions per a l’ocupació de Catalunya, Eudald Finestres pretenia oferir unes orientacions pràctiques sobre Catalunya i els catalans a tots els soldats espanyols de l’exèrcit de Franco que es disposaven a ocupar el nostre país, els primers mesos de l’any 1938.»
16,95€ 16,10€
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Intrigues de palau
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Roca Costa, Maria Carme

El poder d'una dama catalana a la cort medievalA finals del segle XIV i durant part del segle XV, una sèrie de personatges femenins mouen subtilment els tramats polítics. No poden ostentar el poder visiblement, però faran el possible per accedir-hi. Aliances, conxorxes palauenques, bruixeries,... res atura el seu afany d'obtenir el que per justícia els correspon, però que per la seva condició femenina els és negat. Violant de Bar, la reina vídua del rei Joan I, dona tan ambiciosa com culta i refinada, farà el que calgui per aconseguir que algú de la seva nissaga ocupi el tron de la corona catalanoaragonesa que la maleïda dissort s'entesta a deixar buit. O, tal vegada, no és dissort... Enmig de les intrigues que entre tots els cortesans teixeixen, hi ha una dama de la cort, Anfosa de Castellnou, que les broda com ningú.
22,25€ 21,14€
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Shrines of gaiety
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Atkinson, Kate

1926, and in a country still recovering from the Great War, London has become the focus for a delirious new nightlife. In the clubs of Soho, peers of the realm rub shoulders with starlets, foreign dignitaries with gangsters, and girls sell dances for a shilling a time.The notorious queen of this glittering world is Nellie Coker, ruthless but also ambitious to advance her six children, including the enigmatic eldest, Niven, whose character has been forged in the crucible of the Somme. But success breeds enemies, and Nellie’s empire faces threats from without and within. For beneath the dazzle of Soho’s gaiety, there is a dark underbelly, a world in which it is all too easy to become lost.With her unique Dickensian flair, Kate Atkinson gives us a window in a vanished world. Slyly funny, brilliantly observant, and ingeniously plotted, Shrines of Gaiety showcases the myriad talents that have made Atkinson one of the most lauded writers of our time.
17,25€ 16,39€
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Traitors of rome (eagles of the empire 18)
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12,25€ 11,64€
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Scarrow, Simon

12,50€ 11,87€
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The house of fortune
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Burton, Jessie

Alive with the magic of Amsterdam, the enchanting new historical novel from the author of the sensational New York Times bestseller The Miniaturist, which has sold more than two million copies.In 1705 Amsterdam, Thea Brandt is coming of age, trying to grapple with her family's secrets and her own identity as a young Dutch-African woman. She's drawn to the theater and an artistic life, but with her family in serious financial decline, pressure is on Thea to marry up in society.As her father and Aunt Nella work desperately to save the family home and catastrophe threatens to engulf them, Thea seeks refuge in the arms of her secret lover, Walter, the chief set-painter at her favorite theater. But the thrill of their romance is shadowed by another secret she keeps close: Her birthday marks the day her mother, Marin, died in labor. Thea's family refuses to share the details of the story, just as they seem terrified to speak of the shadowy artist from their past whose tiny figurines seem to capture the things most carefully hidden away. Aunt Nella believes the solution to Thea's problems is to find her a husband, and an unexpected invitation to Amsterdam's most exclusive ball seems like a golden opportunity. But when a miniature figure of Walter turns up on Thea's doorstep, it becomes clear that someone out there has another fate in mind for the family- and that perhaps the new beginning Thea seeks won't depend on a man.A feat of sweeping, magical storytelling, The House of Fortune is an unputdownable novel about love and obsession, family and loyalty, and the fantastic power of secrets.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Sharpe's command
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Cornwell, Bernard

18,25€ 17,34€
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Flying angels
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Steel, Danielle

19,65€ 18,67€
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Black butterflies
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Morris, Priscilla

12,75€ 12,11€
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Sinfonia azul prusia
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Siracusa, Jordi

Sinfonía Azul Prusia es el relato de un tiempo del Siglo de las lUces y de los lugares y personajes que lo vivieron. En esta novela, Jordi Siracusa sabe pintar y contarnos cómo cada uno de los actores se mueve por el tablero de la ficción buscando su lugar en los acontecimientos y en su propia quimera.
27,55€ 26,17€
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The birdcage library
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Berry, Freya

1932. Emily Blackwood, a young adventuress and plant hunter, travels north for a curious new commission. A gentleman has written to request she catalogue his vast collection of taxidermied creatures before sale.On arrival, Emily finds a ruined castle, its owner haunted by the memory of a woman who disappeared five decades before. And when she discovers the ripped pages of an old diary, crammed into the walls, she realises a dark secret lies here, waiting to entrap her too...
14,75€ 14,01€
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Loathe to love you
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Hazelwood, Ali

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Love Hypothesis comes a collection of steamy, STEMinist novellas featuring a trio of engineers and their loves in loathing—with a special bonus chapter!Under One RoofAn environmental engineer discovers that scientists should never cohabitate when she finds herself stuck with the roommate from hell—a detestable big-oil lawyer who won't leave the thermostat alone.Stuck with YouA civil engineer and her nemesis take their rivalry—and love—to the next level when they get stuck in a New York elevator.Below ZeroA NASA aerospace engineer's frozen heart melts as she lies injured and stranded at a remote Arctic research station and the only person willing to undertake the dangerous rescue mission is her longtime rival.
12,75€ 12,11€
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Smith, Wilbur

An epic new novel of Ancient Egypt, from the Master of Historical Adventure, Wilbur Smith. IN THE RUINS OF BATTLEA HERO MUST RISEFOR THE GLORY OF EGYPT. Years of Hyksos rule have seen the plunder of once-mighty Egypt. Though the two kingdoms have now been reunited by the armies of the true Pharaoh, his position is perilous, his rule under threat from those who seek to take advantage of the turmoil created by the overthrow of the Hyksos.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Nineteen steps
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Bobby Brown, Millie

The Sunday Times bestselling debut novel from global star Millie Bobby BrownLondon, 1942.Despite the raging war, spirited 18-year-old Nellie Morris lives a quiet life in the tight-knit East End community of Bethnal Green. Her family and friends all tease that she will marry air raid warden Billy, the boy next door who’s always been sweet on her.The arrival of Ray, a handsome American airman stationed nearby, causes Nellie to question everything she thought she knew about her future.Nellie’s new-found happiness is short-lived when a tragic accident occurs during an air raid. Even the closest family can’t escape the devastation of war, and as the secrets and truth about that fateful night become clear, they threaten to tear Nellie – and those dearest to her – apart.
18,75€ 17,81€
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No pudieron hacerlo mejor
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Bruyel, Augusto

Todos saben que la unión de los reinos de Aragón y Castilla, gracias al matrimonio entre los reyes Fernando e Isabel, resultó fundamental para poner fin a la Reconquista. Pero quizá muchos no sepan que casi ¡cuatro siglos antes! ya se habían unido la mayor parte de los territorios cristianos peninsulares. El matrimonio entre el aragonés Alfonso I el Batallador y Urraca I, la reina de León, había conseguido ensamblar nada menos que Aragón y Navarra con León, Galicia, Castilla y Portugal. Es cierto que todos eran territorios más pequeños, pero no cabe duda de que la Reconquista pudo haberse acortado algunos siglos.¿Qué pasó, entonces? En este libro se exponen las razones principales del fiasco de aquella unión.Durante el corto período de unos cincuenta años comprendido entre las dos últimas décadas del siglo XI más las primeras del XII siguiente son muchas las situaciones trascendentales que se dan en los reinos cristianos de la Península Ibérica. Tanto en relación con el mundo musulmán, en el que sobresale el poderío almorávide, como de los señores cristianos entre sí.De estos últimos destacan tres figuras: Alfonso I el Batallador, el cual participa de manera señalada en la reconquista de casi todo el Aragón actual, Urraca I, la notable (aunque un poco olvidada) reina de León que tuvo al rey aragonés por segundo marido, y Diego Gelmírez, el egregio obispo que tan vinculado estuvo de una u otra manera con los dos personajes anteriores y que tanto hizo por su diócesis compostelana.Adjudicándose la facultad de entrar en el pensamiento de esos tres personajes principales, Augusto Bruyel irá entrelazando de tres en tres los capítulos, al tiempo que va exponiendo no sólo cuanto de señalado realizó cada uno de ellos, sino también las razones, las disculpas, los reproches… que ellos mismos podrían haber manifestado a los otros dos sobre ciertos actos significativos de uno u otro.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Gabriel's Moon
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Boyd, William

In his most exhilarating novel yet, Britain’s greatest storyteller transports you from the vibrant streets of sixties London to the sun-soaked cobbles of Cadiz and the frosty squares of Warsaw, as an accidental spy is drawn into the shadows of espionage and obsession.Gabriel Dax is a young man haunted by the memories of a every night, when sleep finally comes, he dreams about his childhood home in flames. His days are spent on the move as an acclaimed travel writer, capturing the changing landscapes in the grip of the Cold War. When he’s offered the chance to interview a political figure, his ambition leads him unwittingly into a web of duplicities and betrayals.As Gabriel’s reluctant initiation takes hold, he is drawn deeper into the shadows. Falling under the spell of Faith Green, an enigmatic and ruthless MI6 handler, he becomes ‘her spy’, unable to resist her demands. But amid the peril, paranoia and passion consuming Gabriel’s new covert life, it will be the revelations closer to home that change the rest of his story. . .
19,50€ 18,52€
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La espada y la cruz
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Casini, Stefano

La cruenta tormenta de la que todos se esconderían es la única oportunidad que tienen una mujer y dos niños de escapar de un terrible destino. La tragedia ha asolado a su familia y su tío, el príncipe Aren von Kreuz es la mano ejecutora. Si logran escapar de su ira, deberán permanecer ocultos para siempre a riesgo de sus propias vidas, o hasta que, por fin, el terror abandone sus tierras. Una de las peores guerras que ha sufrido Europa, la Guerra de los Treinta Años, se convierte en el escenario perfecto para que las redes del poder, la traición y la ambición atrapen a campesinos, soldados, espías y sirvientes. Del mismo modo, atraen también a un soldado español, Alberto Cruz, superviviente de las américas, y también de la pobre situación que asola España a consecuencia de la larga guerra en el norte que empuja incluso a los nobles a alistarse para superar su ruina. Cecile es una cortesana francesa que se ve empujada a instalarse en la corte del emperador y allí conocerá a su objetivo, el príncipe Aren. Las estrategia militar, política y religiosa son los esquemas por los que se mueven nuestros protagonistas, que lucharán por conseguir sus propósitos a costa de sus propias vidas, sin saber que algo más grande está por suceder.
32,00€ 30,40€
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Maguire, Emily

Ninth-century Mainz, in the heart of the Holy Roman Empire.Agnes is the motherless child of an English priest - a wild and brilliant girl with a deep, visceral love of God. But when tragedy strikes, she is suddenly forced to choose between what is expected of her and the life she has always dreamed of. Determined to find her own freedom, she disguises herself as a man, securing a place at the revered Fulda monastery and forever altering the course of her existence.Thus begins the life of John the Englishman: a matchless scholar and scribe of Fulda, then a charismatic heretic in an Athens commune and, by her middle years, a celebrated teacher in Rome. There, she dazzles the Church hierarchy with her knowledge of the old and new languages of Europe, theology and Church law, and finds herself at the heart of political intrigue in a city where gossip is a powerful - and deadly - currency.And when the only person who knows her identity arrives in Rome, she will risk everything to once again feel what it is to be known - and loved.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Cleopatra and Julius
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Courtney, Joanna

A lush, unputdownable novel about the legendary Cleopatra. Discover the woman behind the myth, in this epic and opulent novel, perfect for fans of Jennifer Saint, Madeline Miller, Philippa Gregory and Alison Weir....................A young queen.Consecrated at birth as a royal goddess, Cleopatra learns early on from her father's experience that to rule means to fight. Politically astute, her deep love for Egypt means she'll do everything in her power to retain its autonomy from the all-devouring Romans.A great emperor.Julius Caesar is a legendary warrior whose might helped secure the Egyptian throne for Cleopatra's father. Years later, when he encounters the now Queen of Egypt, it is more than a meeting of rulers - it is a meeting of souls.Together they could have ruled the world.In Julius, Cleopatra finds the first person who challenges and respects her fiercely brilliant mind, who understands her duty and shares her passionate nature. Their union, forged in conflict, seems unbreakable, but are the bonds binding them to their countries even stronger?Yet in a choice between love and duty, only one can win.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The Hidden Girl
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Riley, Lucinda

Sweeping and evocative, The Hidden Girl is a lost treasure from the global number one bestselling author Lucinda Riley.You can’t alter destiny . . .Born and raised in a small village on the Yorkshire moors, Leah Thompson grows more beautiful with each passing day. When she catches the attention of the influential, troubled Delancey family, she knows her life will never be the same again.Years later, Leah takes the modelling world by storm, travelling from Milan to London and New York and living life in the lap of luxury. But her past follows her like a dark shadow, mysteriously intertwined with the tragic tale of two young siblings in Poland during the Second World War.As two generations of secrets threaten to explode, Leah is haunted by a fatal, forgotten prophecy from her past, and must fight to challenge the destiny that has been mapped out for her in the stars . . .Long before she became the bestselling author of The Seven Sisters series, Lucinda Riley wrote Hidden Beauty as Lucinda Edmonds. This standalone novel has been reworked and given new life as The Hidden Girl by Harry Whittaker, Lucinda’s son and co-author of Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Straw Dogs Of The Universe
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Ye, Chun

A harrowing and redemptive immigrant story for readers of Pachinko, Straw Dogs of the Universe follows a Chinese railroad worker and his young daughter--sold into servitude--in 19th century California as they search for family, fulfillment, and belonging in a violent new land.''Heaven and earth aren't humane.To them the ten thousand thingsAre straw dogs.''A sweeping historical novel of the American West from the little-seen perspective of those who helped to build it, Straw Dogs of the Universe traces the story of one Chinese father and his young daughter, desperate to find him against all odds.After her village is devastated by famine, ten-year-old Sixiang is sold to a human trafficker for a bag of rice and six silver coins. Her mother is reluctant to let her go, but the promise of a better life for her beloved daughter ultimately sways her. Arriving in America with the profits from her sale and a single photograph of Guifeng, her absent father, Sixiang journeys across an unfamiliar American landscape in the hopes of reuniting her family.As she makes her way through an unforgiving new world, her father, a railroad worker in California, finds his attempts to build a life for himself both upended and defined by along-lost love and the seemingly inescapable violence of the American West. A generational saga ranging from the villages of China to the establishment of the transcontinental railroad and the anti-Chinese movement in California, Straw Dogs of the Universe considers the tenacity of family ties and the courage it takes to survive in acountry that rejects you, even as it relies upon your labor.
20,75€ 19,71€
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El Turquetto
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Arditi, Metin

¿Existió un pintor del Renacimiento veneciano tan excelso como Tiziano, de cuya obra no ha quedado nada? Sólo una débil hipótesis que parte de una anomalía en la firma del cuadro El hombre del guante atribuido a Tiziano, descubre que podría tener otro autor, un prodigioso discípulo suyo apodado El Turquetto.Metin Arditi configura la biografía de este personaje. Nacido en Constantinopla, de padres judíos, el joven Elías siente pasión por el dibujo, pero no puede desarrollar sus aptitudes en el pobre ambiente en el cual vive. Se le presenta la oportunidad de partir y se instala en Venecia con una identidad falsa. Allí se convierte en discípulo de Tiziano.
17,00€ 16,15€
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Los pilares de la tierra (edición musical) (Saga Los pilares de la Tierra 1)
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Follett, Ken

Los pilares de la Tierra es la obra maestra de Ken Follett y constituye una excepcional evocación de una época de violentas pasiones. El gran maestro de la narrativa de acción y suspense nos transporta a la Edad Media, a un fascinante mundo de reyes, damas, caballeros, pugnas feudales, castillos y ciudades amuralladas. El amor y la muerte se entrecruzan vibrantemente en este magistral tapiz cuyo centro es la construcción de una catedral gótica. La historia se inicia con el ahorcamiento público de un inocente y finaliza con la humillación de un rey. La novela que ha inspirado el espectacular musical de próximo estreno en Madrid. Descubre la Saga Los pilares de la Tierra: Las tinieblas y el albaLos pilares de la tierra Un mundo sin fin Una columna de fuego La armadura de la luzReseñas:«Fantástico desde todos los puntos de vista.»El Mundo «Los pilares de la Tierra fue un hito en España, donde todavía sigue siendo el libro más leído de la historia según la Federación del Gremio de Editores.»ABC «Alta política y bajas pasiones (y viceversa) conforman un folletín de grandes dimensiones que confirman a Follett como relojero mayor del reino del bestseller.»Qué leer«Maravilloso... Te atrapará, fascinará y envolverá.»Chicago Tribune «Los pilares de la Tierra hizo de Ken Follet uno de los autores más queridos de nuestro país.»ABC Sevilla «Ken Follett sabe cómo tejer una historia fascinante, con personajes complejos, que todo actor sueña con interpretar.»Donald Sutherland«Me encanta Los pilares de la Tierra, lo recuerdo con mucho cariño [...] es uno de aquellos títulos que se quedan grabados...»Ildefonso Falcones «En Los pilares de la Tierra, Ken Follett nos presenta a unos personajes que consiguen que la historia cobre vida.»Ridley Scott
14,95€ 14,20€
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Das Erbe der Hofdame
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Chadwick, Elizabeth

Historischer Schmökerstoff vom Feinsten!England, 1238. Die junge Joanna wächst behütet am Hof von König Heinrich III. auf, als Hofdame der Königin. Eines Tages bekommt sie eine Nachricht, die alles verändert: Gänzlich unerwartet wird sie zur Erbin von Ländereien und Besitztümern. Damit steht sie als eine vielversprechende Kandidatin auf dem Heiratsmarkt da. Der König, dem sie sehr am Herzen liegt, bemüht sich einen guten Ehemann für sie auszusuchen. Die Wahl fällt auf William de Valence, seinen jüngsten Halbbruder. Während Joanna und William versuchen, sich ein gemeinsames Leben aufzubauen, versinkt England im Bürgerkrieg. William ist gezwungen zu fliehen, und Joanna bleiben nur ihr Verstand und ihr Mut, um die Feinde zu überlisten …Sie lesen gern gut recherchierte und opulente historische Bücher? Verpassen Sie nicht die anderen Romane von Elizabeth Chadwick!
16,50€ 15,67€
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