Novel·les partir de 12 anys

La venjança de Maiwa
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Haggard, H. Rider

Allan Quatermain, l'intrèpid caçador d'elefants, narra en aquesta novel·la com la bella i valenta Maiwa va venjar el seu fill, mort a mans del cruel i diabòlic Wambe. La guerra secular entre dues tribus veïnes en terres llunyanes i plenes de misteri crea una atmosfera d'aventura que ens aferra des de les primeres planes.
10,75€ 10,21€
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El llegat dels Tsars
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Ávila Pardo, Constantino

9,00€ 8,55€
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La chica de Marte
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Bach, Tamara

«...una historia de amor poco común, triste y optimista a la vez, contada de una forma maravillosa.» Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung Una novela que ahonda en los sentimientos, los amores y los celos de los adolescentes de hoy. Miriam, una chica de 15 años en plena adolescencia, narra en la novela cada detalle de esta etapa de la vida en la que el aburrimiento y el sufrimiento están constantemente presentes. El lugar en el que vive le resulta pequeño. Su cuerpo le pide a voces experiencias, quiere responder a los estímulos, y en especial a los que provoca en ella Laura, una extraña chica a la que Miriam admira y con la que se inicia en el amor.
19,90€ 18,90€
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Harrell, Rob

A wrenching and hilarious story about embracing life's weirdness and surviving an unthinkable diagnosis, based on the author's own experience with a rare eye cancer.Twelve-year-old Ross Maloy just wants to be normal. Not to have a rare eye cancer, not to lose his hair, not to have to wear a weird hat or have a goopy eye full of ointment. Just normal. But with a sudden and horrifying diagnosis, Ross can't help standing out. His new life is medical treatments that feel straight out of a video game, vision loss in one eye, disappearing friends who don't know what to say to ''the cancer kid,'' cruel bullying, and ultimately, friendships new and old that rise above everything.Just when Ross starts to feel like he's losing his footing, he discovers how music, art, and true friends can change everything. Filled with Rob Harrell's comic panels (Batpig for the win!) and spot art, this novel brings effortless humor and hope to an unforgettable, uplifting story of survival.
10,85€ 10,31€
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Vanina Vanini
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Segons paraules de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, autor d' Il Gattopardo: «Sembla que Stendhal no es troba a gust quan escriu contes. Tanmateix, Vanina Vanini és una obra mestra». Vanina Vanini és una història d'amor que s'esdevé a Itàlia en la tercera dècada del segle XIX entre un carbonaro i una noble romana, el relat de la gelosia d'una dona, generada per les idees polítiques del seu amant.
10,75€ 10,21€
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Cita a Rússia
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St John, Lauren

Qui ho havia de dir, que l?Skye es convertiria en una estrella de cine. La Laura i el seu amic Tariq acompanyen el husky de tres potes al rodatge d?una superproducció de Hollywood que transcorre entre les sales i els passadissos del gran museu de l?Ermitage, a Sant Petersburg. Però sembla que algú s?ha proposat de boicotejar el rodatge provocant una sèrie d?accidents que poden resultar mortals!
9,90€ 9,40€
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
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Riordan, Rick

A gorgeous, foiled, clothbound edition of THE LIGHTNING THIEF with brand new interior art – a must-have for all Percy Jackson fans!The son of a sea god has never looked so good!Rick Riordan's classic first novel, THE LIGHTNING THIEF, has been dressed up in a deluxe, clothbound edition with a foiled cover, stained edges, a marker ribbon, ten pages of new interior illustrations, and notes from Rick. The perfect edition to beautify any book collector’s shelf.Return to the World of Percy Jackson in the best-selling, new adventure featuring the original hero in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Chalice of the Gods – out now!And don't miss the trio's next adventure in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Wrath of the Triple Goddess, coming soon!
26,75€ 25,41€
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Impossible Creatures
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Rundell, Katherine

Christopher is stunned when he discovers a passage to the Archipelago: a cluster of magical islands where all the creatures of myth still live and breed and thrive in their thousands. There he meets Mal: a girl from the islands, who is in possession of a flying coat and a baby griffin, and who is being pursued by a killer. Together they embark on an urgent quest to discover why the creatures are suddenly perishing, voyaging across the wild splendour of the Archipelago, where sphinxes hold secrets and centaurs do murder, in a bid to save both the islands and the world beyond them from a rising evil - before it's too late.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Un cor trencat
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Morales, Marcos

10,20€ 9,69€
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The Last Fallen Realm
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Kim, Graci

Best-selling author Rick Riordan presents the thrilling conclusion to Graci Kim's New York Times best-selling Gifted Clans trilogy–now in paperback!Riley Oh wasn’t born into her family. Instead, as she recently discovered, she tumbled down to the earth many years ago as the last fallen star. Riley Oh also wasn’t born to be a witch. Like, at all—even her status as a divine celestial being comes with zilch in the magical powers department. And Riley Oh definitely wasn’t born to be a leader. But now the entire magical community thinks she and her soul-twin, Dahl, are meant to lead the world into the Age of the Final Eclipse (or whatever it is that the Haetae keeps saying they’re “destined” to do). Greeeat.But ever since Riley killed the Cave Bear Goddess, she’s been a bit pre-occupied with one thing: waiting for the goddess’s sisters to get their revenge. And it looks like her wait is finally over—because as witches from around the world prepare for war, it seems as though the goddesses are preparing for something much worse. Something that will lure Riley and her friends deep into the realm of the gods. Into a world of humongous, talking moon bunnies, life-or-death mini-golf competitions, and…magical gummy candies?And in order to save the world, Riley must do the one thing she was born to do: believe in herself.Endorsed by Rick Riordan, author of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, now a hit series on Disney+.
9,25€ 8,79€
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Los secretos del inspector
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Rey García, Alberto

Varios días después de lo ocurrido en la isla de Kopperland, la Policía de Edimburgo y la casa real deciden cerrar por la vía legal el expediente de los sucesos relacionados con la Rebelión de los Bigotes. Mientras tanto, Andrew y Abby esperan una explicación por parte de Michael, ya que, además de su carácter melancólico y enigmático, ha recibido un sobre misterioso que podría guardar relación con el caso del vampiro de Edimburgo. Para esclarecer lo acontecido, Michael les pide que le acompañen a Inselder, una pequeña aldea de Gales situada entre las montañas de Brecon Beacons. ¿Por qué se comporta de manera tan extraña? ¿Seguirán confiando Andrew y Abby en su amigo? ¿Qué les deparará Inselder? ¿Tal vez un nuevo caso?.Los secretos del inspector pone el punto y final a la trepidante trilogía Steamfield, una saga de novela negra juvenil con toques steampunk que ha conquistado a miles de lectores.
12,50€ 11,87€
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Nándidor. Viaje a un continente de ensue
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López Paredes, Alba

Nándidor. Viaje a un continente de ensueño
16,00€ 15,20€
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Carta a la reina dïAnglaterra
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Pagès Jordà, Vicenç

4,75€ 4,51€
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Viking Boy: the Real Story
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Bradman, Tony

A sparky non-fiction guide to the Viking world, told by the hero of Tony Bradman’s bestselling novel Viking Boy.Take a real-life tour of the everyday world of Gunnar, a teenage Viking boy: find out how the Vikings lived, what they believed, how they travelled and fought, and gained their legendary reputation as warriors. Gunnar tells us the real story of growing up as a Viking in an exciting first-hand account, introducing us to family and friends, famous warriors, sea-raiders and even a Norse god!Packed with historical facts, figures and anecdotes, with illustrated information panels on topics from Viking poetry to battle and bloodlust, this is a brilliant new read for Viking fanatics, both at home and in the classroom.
8,75€ 8,31€
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Felix per sempre
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Callender, Kacen

En Felix no s'ha enamorat mai i, sí, és conscient d'aquesta dolorosa ironia: es mor de ganes d'experimentar-ho i, a la vegada, és incapaç d'entendre per què als altres els resulta tan fàcil trobar algú. I encara que ell està orgullós de la seva identitat, tem en secret que estigui massa estigmatitzat per merèixer l'amor. Fins que un dia tot esclata. Al vestíbul de l'escola d'art de Nova York on estudia, apareix una exposició amb les fotos privades d'en Felix abans de la transició. Algú vol fer-li mal i en Felix no està disposat a acceptar-ho. El que no sap és que la venjança que planifica el llançarà a una muntanya russa d'emocions, aprenentatges i descobertes que potser el portaran a trobar aquest amor que li sembla tan inassolible.
12,50€ 11,87€
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Lawrence, Patrice

Award-winning author Patrice Lawrence explores the harsh reality of the criminal justice system for young people in this riveting teen drama.Charlene is a demon knitter. It’s the only thing she enjoys and the only thing she believes she’s really good at.So when her foster mum’s son destroys her latest creation, Charlene loses it and stabs him in the hand with her knitting needle. It damages a nerve and she gets sucked into the criminal justice system for assault.Charlene's not sorry and she’s never apologised to anyone in her life. But people keep telling her that if she says sorry, they’ll go easier on her. Can she bring herself to say it and not mean it when her freedom’s at stake?
11,75€ 11,16€
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Odissees quotidianes
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Vallverdú i Borràs, Marta

Quan s’ha deixat la infància enrere, la vida es desperta com una aventura més o menys brillant, més o menys quotidiana. Etapa d’amistat o de solitud, de guanys o de pèrdues, d’amors i d’odis, de pressió social, d’inseguretat personal. Cadascú a la recerca de la pròpia identitat.Aquest recull de contes copsa l’essència dels seus joves protagonistes, gairebé tots estudiants d’institut. Amb un to sincer i proper, les històries revelen les lluites internes i les victòries silencioses que defineixen el difícil camí cap a l’edat adulta. Et reconeixes en algun d’aquests personatges o hi identifiques alguna situació viscuda?Marta Vallverdú i Borràs (Santa Coloma de Gramenet, 1962) ha estat, fins a la seva jubilació, professora d’ensenyament mitjà. Doctora en Filologia Catalana per la UB, amb una tesi titulada Viatges literaris a l’exòtic: Aurora Bertrana, Josep Maria de Sagarra (1918-1938) que posteriorment va publicar en forma de llibre el 2007 a Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat. Ha publicat l'assaig Seixantisme, l'esclat cultural català dels 60 a L'Avenç.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Christmas At Hogwarts
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Rowling, J.K.

'Christmas was coming. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow.'So begins Chapter 12 of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the story of Harry Potter's magical first Christmas at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. From the wonder of the Great Hall decked with sparkling, decorated fir trees to cosy evenings by the fire in the Gryffindor common room and the joy of opening presents on Christmas morning, it's a school holiday filled with warmth, friendship, treats and magical surprises that Harry will never forget.With text drawn directly from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and luminous artwork by Ziyi Gao, this favourite moment, showing Harry's very first Christmas amongst friends, is now fully illustrated for the whole family to enjoy. Sure to be treasured by Harry Potter fans of all ages, it's the perfect gift to put under the tree or read together at Christmas - the beginning of an enchanting new festive tradition.
25,25€ 23,99€
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Calvin and the Sugar Apples
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Oliveira, Inés

A relatable early reader that taps into important life lessons about friendship, grief, and talking through feelings.Eleven-year-old Amelia has always had Calvin to talk to, but Amelia has no idea where he is. Calvin is a twenty-one-year-old chinchilla and has always been there for Amelia whenever she needed to talk about her problems—but he is no longer in his cage, and her parents just say he’s in a “better place.” Everything seems to go wrong now that she and her best friend Camilla have had an argument, and Amelia has missed the school talent show. Without Calvin, who does she talk to about her disappointments at school? Without Calvin, who does Amelia talk to about missing Calvin? She vows to become like the sugar apples in her backyard, rich on the inside and always hard to find.And just when Amelia thinks there’s nobody she can talk to, a new student, Iris, arrives. Amelia learns that it’s always possible to meet new friends that can teach you that expressing oneself can happen in different ways, but it always starts with talking it out.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Ghost 1. Si on fonce, peut-on échapper à son passé?
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Reynolds, Jason

Courir, Ghost sait faire. Depuis toujours. Mais pour une équipe d'athlé, no way. Pourtant, un soir, en rentrant du collège, il défie pour s'amuser un jeune sprinteur qui s'entraîne avec son équipe. Le coach est là et comprend tout de suite qu'il a un don. Mais Ghost est un gamin pauvre qui déborde de colère. Saura-t-il canaliser ses forces pour rejoindre l'équipe ? Ou bien le passé viendra-t-il le rattraper ?
12,90€ 12,25€
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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass (Minalima)
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Lewis, Carroll

Lewis Carroll’s beloved classic stories are reimagined in this deluxe illustrated gift edition from the award-winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise, MinaLima—designed with stunning full color artwork and several interactive features.Originally published in 1865, Lewis Carroll’s exquisite Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass have remained revered classics for generations. The story of Alice, an inquisitive heroine who falls through a rabbit hole and into a whimsical world, has captured the hearts of readers of all ages. Perhaps the most popular female character in English literature, Alice is accompanied on her journey of trials and tribulations by the frantic White Rabbit, the demented and terrifying Queen of Hearts, the intriguing Mad Hatter, and many other eccentric characters. Lewis Carroll’s beloved companion stories Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass are reinvented on one volume by the talented design firm MinaLima, whose fey drawings of some of Western literature’s most famous characters will delight and enthrall, In addition, they have created interactive features exclusive to this edition, including: This keepsake illustrated edition—the sixth book in Harper Design’s series of illustrated children’s classics—will be treasured by for years to come.
40,25€ 38,24€
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Andreu, Rosana

Uns dies de campament gratis amb amics i companys. Quin regal! Però a vegades les coses massa boniques no ho són tant.L’Institut Ginjoler ha escollit deu alumnes per participar en un campament innovador. Què tenen en comú aquests noies i noies perquè els hagin triat a ells? La resposta només la sap la Rut, l’enigmàtica cap de projecte que no pensa permetre que aquella colla gaudeixi del seu suposat premi.El que comença com uns dies de desconnexió, diversió i companyonia en aquell campament ple de luxes acabarà sent un malson terrible del qual tothom pretén escapar. Què volen d’ells i per què els retenen? El grup d’amics haurà de descobrir què amaga la Rut i aprendre a confiar entre ells per lluitar contra el perill que ara els amenaça.
13,90€ 13,20€
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Ciudad de vampiros 2. La Liga de la Luz
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Piñol, Martín

Última entrega de esta bilogía de fantasía. juvenil, cargada de misterio y humor ácido. Sol Vidal se ha convertido en la chica más buscada por los vampiros de Barcelona. Para recuperar su vida deberá eliminarlos a todos. Y para conseguirlo, la ayudarán su vecino reconvertido en vampiro, un cazavampiros cínico y los integrantes de La Liga de la Luz, un grupo de rebeldes que defiende la ciudad contra las sombras. En paralelo, en el año 1895, Mosén Cinto Verdaguer, el cura más célebre del país, ha pasado a ser perseguido por las autoridades eclesiásticas, vigilado por la policía, acusado de demente y traicionado por sus familiares y amigos. Pero, fiel a su fe, sigue combatiendo al mal practicando exorcismos. A caballo de dos épocas, Sol y Verdaguer combatirán al mismo enemigo, un implacable noble vampiro que quiere conquistar la ciudad.
17,90€ 17,00€
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El gen rojo
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Lamplugh, Barbara

Cuando Rose, una joven inglesa, se alista como enfermera para ayudar en la Guerra Civil Española, no está preparada para lo que le espera. Recorriendo un frente tras otro presencia todos los horrores de la guerra y se enamora de Miguel, un soldado republicano. En 1939, cuando la derrota ya es inevitable, Rose debe afrontar una decisión que cambiará su vida y le dejará cicatrices imborrables. Al otro lado de la trinchera ideológica se encuentra Consuelo, la única niña en una familia franquista de Antequera, un hogar sin cariño donde descubrirá a una edad temprana que es adoptada. Pero sus esfuerzos por averiguar sus orígenes se verán frustrados. Será su hija Marisol, nacida en 1975 y criada en una España de cambios rápidos y convulsos, quien investigará los oscuros secretos de su familia para hallar las respuestas que hasta entonces han esquivado a su madre.
19,00€ 18,05€
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Viking Boy
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Bradman, Tony

An action-packed blend of historical adventure and fantasy for junior readers, a blast of uncensored Viking adventure.Gunnar is the son of a Viking chieftain, living peacefully on his family steading with his mother, father and their people – until they are raided by Skuli and his Wolf Men, who raze his home to the ground and take his father's life. Gunnar swears an oath to avenge his father's death and save his mother from Skuli – but first he must run to save himself. Murderous raiders, hand to hand battles to the death, mythical flying wolves and a relentless sea journey to the Land of Fire and Ice... Unknown to Gunnar, his life has been foretold, and he finds he has a destiny greater than his own story.
8,75€ 8,31€
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Adventures in Time: The Fall of the Aztecs
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Sandbrook, Dominic

Take a journey to a vanished world with the ADVENTURES IN TIME series - stories so exciting you won't believe they're all true'An invisible tremor ran through the Aztecs on the rooftops, a breathless gasp of excitement. On the edge of the city the drummers struck up their rhythm. They were coming...'With its vast cities, soaring pyramids and glittering treasure, the Aztec Empire was one of the greatest civilizations in the world, at once beautiful and terrible. At its head was the Emperor Montezuma, master of millions, who spoke with the voice of the gods and fed the sun with the blood of his prisoners. Yet Montezuma was troubled by terrifying omens. And when Spanish explorers landed on his shore to seek their fortunes, nothing would ever be the same again...The Adventures in Time series brings the past alive for twenty-first century children. These stories are every bit as exciting as those of Harry Potter or Matilda Wormwood. The only difference is they actually happened...
13,25€ 12,59€
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